There goes Yemen... big changes afoot in Saudi Arabia... lead stories on the nightly news, deflated footballs and a snowstorm in January.
The House of Saud will be just fine since they rule Arabia with an iron fist. There has been no indication of any outward civil unrest and it's military doesn't seem to be too concerned over the death of the king or his half brother coming to power (he's pretty much been running things for a while now anyway). The situation in Yemen is yet another case of Obama fail. The same thing happened back in Sept. 2014 when these same 'rebels' overran the capital, but in that case they ended up signing a peace deal with the promise that the Houthi (Shiite) would be more involved in the central government. this hasn't worked out and, of course, these Shiite guys hate the U.S and are backed by Iran. I'm sure the State Dept. will claim that they 'never saw this coming' and 'only just heard about it on the news'. In any case we, loose an important base of operations both covert and overt (drones). |