On the city's agenda tonight (for vote next week).
To re-appoint a tax deadbeat, a STAR double dipper, Mary Mary to the city Board of Assessment.
Pass the word to anyone in the city you know and tell the council to oppose her re-appointment.
A person who ILLEGALLY had two STAR exemptions is NOT QUALIFIED to review and rule on assessment grievances that could involve STAR exemptions.
A person who tries to make more commission (as the official real estate agent for the mayor's taxpayer funded real estate business) is NOT going to rule in favor of homeowners who prove falling value of their houses because falling values mean lower selling prices and lower selling prices means lower commissions for Mary Mary on her sales (and less income for her employer).
She and her plex architect husband haven't paid taxes in three years. TAX DEADBEAT is NOT qualified to be on the board of assessment!
Pass the word, and as I have done with friend in the city, contact your friends in the city, especially if they are homeowners/taxpayers, tell them to be squeaky wheels with the city and to contact all news media and hound the media til this gets in the news |