Name one car that ever commited a crime. Cars are a machine used toget from one place to another but you need a licence to operate this tool. Credentials,a certificate you get after you show that youknow how to useit.
A gun is a tool specifically designed to kill. Why dont you at least need an operators licence?
I have no problem with people being required to have a safety course before buying guns.
For those who question why 2nd Amendment advocates are leery of expanding gun licensing requirements (and yes - there are gun licensing requirements in many states), why is it that many of the same people who are Pro-Gun Control are violently opposed to laws that simply require a prospective voter to show some form of I.D. when coming to a polling place to vote ????????????????
Both owning guns and voting are constitutionally protected rights. Either neither should have any reasonable laws regulating the right or both should have reasonable laws regulating the right.