What municipalities really need to do is budget for maintenance of infrastructure when it is built. Nobody wants to do that because it is dull number crunching and bean counting. Also it takes someone who is not an idiot and for some reason people still believe that being good at politics and being good at governing are the same thing. People who move to get away from the incompetent money wasters get a rude awakening when the same thing happens down the road in the new place. Something else I've noticed that nobody talks about as far as decaying infrastructure - in Schenectady, I was told that gas lines are "checked" when thestreets are dug up for various remodeling projects, such as the new curbs and so forth in the Upper Union neighborhood. However, if you walk around her much, you see that often after the pavement is disturbed for some reason, National Grid has to come and dig it up again due to leaking gas lines. They are so old that they crumble. Why is a major corporation allowed to pretend that there isn't a huge problem that's been neglected? Our government is supposed to provide for the common good in the areas where it is unworkable for individuals to do it themselves. This is a coverup, literally. |