Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for PersonalLiberty.com. I have a major political announcement: the biggest one of my life. Before I tell you about the most important decision of my political life and a little about my personal story that led to this decision, let me first cut to the chase.
If Obama is re-elected on Nov. 6, America and capitalism both face grave danger. I believe America as we know it and love it, the America of our Founding Fathers, the America that embraces capitalism and offers the famous American Dream, the America represented by the U.S. Constitution, the America of freedom, the America that allows the pursuit of happiness — that America is finished. Gone. In the rearview mirror. I don’t believe we ever recover from another four years of Barack Obama.
As Obama’s college classmate at Columbia University, I’ve reported for four years now on his plan to overwhelm the U.S. economy and wipe out capitalism. It’s based on the strategy of two Columbia University professors, Cloward and Piven. Obama is following it to perfection. But he has only just begun. He’s actually tried to be reasonable for his first four years because his goal was to be re-elected, so he could finish the job. So he had to be moderate to hold his powder. To hold back from his true radical self.
If Obama is re-elected on Nov. 6, you haven’t seen anything yet. His gloves will be off. He will be free to be his real radical self. Without ever having to face voters again, Obama will truly wreck this economy from sea to shining sea — just as Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven, Barack Obama Sr., Frank Marshall, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and a host of other radical, Marxist, American-haters taught him.
We will face a final economic Armageddon: the total collapse of the U.S. economy and our monetary system. Obama unleashed will send the IRS to crush his political opposition. He will appoint a majority of Supreme Court and Federal judges, so none of his violations of the Constitution will ever again be challenged. His policies will encourage radical Islamic and terrorist rogue states to threaten and eventually destroy Israel. He will finish his destruction — actually, extinction — of our domestic oil, coal, even natural gas industries, so we’ll become more dependent on these rogue terrorist nations who sell us their oil. And he will continue to weaken the U.S. military, so we will be unable to prevent it all from happening.
Have I got your attention now?
Now I know some of you are saying the GOP is not the answer. I understand. I left the GOP in 2007 because I lost faith too. Far too often, the GOP has given only lip service to ideas and ideals like limited government, individual rights and the Constitution. Once elected, Republicans often ignore those ideas and grow government just like Democrats. Look at the spending and growth of government under George W. Bush. Look at the 25,000 new rules and regulations under Bush (far better than Obama, but still terrible). Look at the rising debt under Bush. This was precisely why I left the GOP in 2007: because the GOP left me.
But something has changed. With the birth and growth of the Tea Party, everything is now changing. The Tea Party represents me. I believe in the Tea Party. And I believe that with the right leader, the Tea Party can change the Republican Party — or certainly influence the GOP in a big way. I’m proud of U.S. Senate Tea Party Caucus leaders like Rand Paul, Jim DeMint, Mike Lee and Marco Rubio. I hope to join them one day, representing my home state of Nevada in the U.S. Senate. So, for the first time in a long while, I feel good about the GOP. And I’m happy to say I’m back. Like the Phillip Phillips song, I’m back “home.”
Because of my general agreement with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan on important economic issues (not total agreement, but general agreement); and because the Tea Party will hold the GOP to their promises or we will start a firestorm and make their lives miserable and then in the next election, throw the bums out; and because of my deep understanding of what Obama intends to do to this economy and this country in a 2nd term, I am now all in. I will do everything in my power to help elect Mitt Romney as the next President of the United States.
Because I believe Mitt Romney is our Reagan. And I am proud to once again call myself a Republican: a Tea Party Republican. This is our chance, folks. This is our last stand. This is the future of our children. There just is no other choice. Our businesses are on the line. Our economic survival is on the line. Our Constitution is on the line. So I’ve chosen to put my money where my mouth is.
I’ve sacrificed everything I’ve worked so hard for, everything I’ve built in six years to rise to the top of the Libertarian Party. It’s time for all of us to put our differences aside and fight for this country, fight for capitalism, fight for economic freedom, fight for our children’s future. Obama’s re-election will bring it all down. We can’t let that happen. I won’t let that happen. Will you?