I wonder if Cicero was turned down by the Marines? He seems to have an extreme resentment and anger at a group he knows very little about. I advised Cic to speak with his dad about the military, so he won't sound so.... so uninformed, when he posts. Is it rejection that created this pent up hostility towards anything military? Really Cic... you should talk to someone about your problem before it gets worse.
"Hup 2 3 4"... LMAO not even close huh Cic. Thanks for the cadence video.
No personal hostility...I never signed up. It couldn't be any clearer what the purpose of the U.S, military institutions. There are a lot of dead American kids that died in wars for profit. That is not to mention the millions of "enemies" that died at the hands of the U.S. war machine. I'm still waiting for the former soldier box to show his outrage at the Democrats Party for not prosecuting the Bush Administration for sending his fraternal brothers and sisters into an illegal war sold on lies. I mean, they controlled the federal government for two years. It seems as if the "war on women" and their free contraception take precedence over justice for 4400 dead Americans and countless murdered Iraqi's. I know it's not box's fault...He's been trained and conditioned to follow his leader. And his leader knows that he will regurgitate the leaders talking points like a good lemming and ever apologize for him letting a war criminal go free. It is very educational to watch it. You would think former military would want Obama's head for not prosecuting what they believed to be an illegal war that caused so much death and destruction of people lives. But...Instead...He is a good lap dog and cheers him on protecting his leader at every turn...He's a well trained obedient domesticated house cat - he's not the "scarety cats" that distrust the government. |