TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the general municipal law, in relation to conflicts of interest of municipal officers and employees, codes of ethics and boards of ethics; to amend chapter 946 of the laws of 1964 amending the general municipal law and other laws relating to conflicts of interest of municipal officers and employees, in relation to permitting local codes of ethics to prohibit activities expressly permitted by article 18 of the general municipal law; and to repeal paragraphs (d) and (e) of subdivision 3 of section 806 and section 813 of the general municipal law, relating to the temporary state commission on local government ethics
PURPOSE: To strengthen the current conflict of interest and ethics laws covering local governments.
...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.
TOWN AGENCY Any office, board, body, advisory board, council, commission, agency, department, district, administration, division, bureau, unit or committee of the Town other than the Town Court.
TOWN OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE OR OFFICIAL Any officer or employee of the Town, whether elected or appointed, paid or unpaid, including all members of any office, board, body, council, commission, agency, department, district, administration, division, bureau, unit or committee.
Then we have:
Quoted Text
§ 31-12. Procedures. [Amended 3-26-2003 by L.L. No. 6-2003] A. Financial disclosure statement. (1) Town officers and employees holding job titles or positions designated by the Town Board shall file with the Ethics Board a financial disclosure statement in a form determined by the Town Board by January 31 of each year. (2) Compliance with this section shall be voluntary for Town officers and employees whose job titles or positions are covered by a collective bargaining agreement. B. Long-form ethics certification statement. [Amended 10-13-2004 by L.L. No. 14-2004] (1) Members of advisory boards designated by the Town Board or Ethics Board shall file with the Ethics Board a long-form ethics certification statement. An advisory board member shall file a long-form ethics certification statement within 14 days after the date of the first advisory board meeting subsequent to that member's appointment to the advisory board.
And the disclosure mandated is:
Quoted Text
Town of Rotterdam Annual Statement of Financial Disclosure (Attach additional pages as necessary) For Calendar Year Name: Home Address:
Marital Status — Married; Single; Widowed; Divorced Phone number at which you may be contacted between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday with respect to this document:
1a. List all positions you hold as a Town of Rotterdam employee or as a Member of a Town of Rotterdam Board, Commission, Committee or Agency. Position Supervisor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1b. List any positions that you hold with any other public body/entity whether paid or unpaid. Position Supervisor 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. List each piece of real property you, your spouse, and/or dependent children own or have a financial interest in within the Town of Rotterdam including property that is owned, jointly owned or owned by a business entity in which the ownership interest is greater than 5%. Owner of Record Nature of Interest Address of Real Estate Type of Ownership
3. List each piece of real property in the Town of Rotterdam you, your spouse and/or dependent children lease including property that is owned, jointly owned or owned by a business entity in which the leasehold interest is greater than 5%. Owner of Record Address of Real Estate Name of Lessor
4. List any business entity in which you, your spouse and/or dependent children have an ownership interest, except a private or public corporation of which you, your spouse and/or children own less than 5% of the outstanding stock.
Family Member: Self, Spouse, Child Name of Business Entity Address of Business Entity Type of Interest (Partnership Lim ited/General, percent of stock/corporate owned, etc.)
5a. List any business entity where you, your spouse and/or dependent children are/were employed in the last 12 months. Family Member: Self, Spouse, Children Name of Business Entity Address of Business Entity Position
5b. List all directorships or officer positions that you, your spouse, and/or dependent children hold in any business entity. Family Member: Self, Spouse, Children Name of Business Entity Address of Business Entity Position
6. If you, your spouse and/or dependent children or any entity identified in (4) or (5) above is currently or has within the last two years been licensed and/or regulated by a Town of Rotterdam department, board, commission, committee or agency, list the name of the individual(s) or entity licensed or regulated, the name of any such Town of Rotterdam department, board, commission, committee, or agency and the type of license or permit received from the Town. Name of Individual or Entity Town of Rotterdam Licensing or Permit Agency Type of License or Permit
7. List all debts and or liabilities in excess of $10,000. (Do not list monies for the following: matrimonial action, credit card charges, educational loans, home mortgages/home improvement loans, home equity loans, auto loans, recreational vehicle loans, fumiture, or appliance loans.)
Name of Family Member: Self/Spouse Nature of Debt Name of Individual/ Entity to Whom Debt Is Owed Name of Guarantor, if any
8. Has any individual or business entity offered or promised you any future employment or contract during or after your service with the town? Employment/Contract
For questions 9 to 12 do not report exact dollar amounts. Instead report categories of amounts using the following: Category A: Under $5,000 Category B: $5,001 - $10,000 Category C: $10,001 - $25,000
9. Past Employment. Identify the source and nature of any current income from any prior employer, including deferred income, contributions to a pension or retirement fund, profit sharing plan severance pay or payments under a buyout agreement. Name of Employer
10. Trusts. Identify each interest in a trust or estate or similar beneficial interest in any assets except for IRS eligible retirement plans or interests in an estate or trust of a relative for you, your spouse, or dependent children. Family Member: Self/Spouse
11. Other Income. Identify the source and nature of any other income in excess of $1,000 per year from any source not described above, including other employment and independent contract work, teaching income, lecture fees, consultant fees, contractual fees or other income of any nature for you, your spouse o dependent children. Family Member: Self/Spouse Name/ Address of Income Source Nature of Income Category of Amount
12. Third-Party Reimbursements. Identify and describe the source of any third-party reimbursement for travel-related expenditures for any matter that relates to your official duties. The term "reimbursement" includes any travel-related expenses provided by anyone other than the Town or Rotterdam for speaking engagements, conferences, or fact-finding events that relate to your official duties. Source Description
13. Have you, your spouse, dependent children, or an employee of you or your spouse received any payment from the Town of Rotterdam for goods and services rendered in the past 12 months? State the name of the person (s) or entity (ies) and list the activity. Name Activity
14. List any appearance you or your spouse made before a town or agency board, representing a private interest, or any appearance made by you in any litigation brought against the town in the past year. Name of Board Agency or Court Appeared Before Name of Litigation, Application or Topic Regarding Your Application
15. List the source of all gifts aggregating in excess of $250 received during the last year by you, your spouse or dependent children, excluding gifts from a relative. The term "gifts" includes gifts of cash, property, personal items, payments to third parties on your behalf, forgiveness of debt, honorariums and any other payments that are not reported as income. Family Member Name/Address of Donor
The information contained in pages one through of this annual Statement of Financial disclosure constitutes a full and complete financial statement as of the date indicated, and, to the best of my knowledge, I have no conflict of interest prohibited by the Town of Rotterdam Code of Ethics for the position(s) I hold with the Town of Rotterdam.
Print Name The following certification must be executed by any member of an appointive or elective board in the Town of Rotterdam. I do hereby certify to the following: Should any matter come before me in my capacity as a member of the which matter involves an individual or entity with whom I have a personal, familial, financial or professional relationship, I shall place such relationship upon the record or recuse myself from any and all deliberations, determinations, recommendations or votes with respect to such matter. Dated Signature
Optimists close their eyes and pretend problems are non existent. Better to have open eyes, see the truths, acknowledge the negatives, and speak up for the people rather than the politicos and their rich cronies.
Optimists close their eyes and pretend problems are non existent. Better to have open eyes, see the truths, acknowledge the negatives, and speak up for the people rather than the politicos and their rich cronies.