In another time/place many a moon ago we as an employed group were asked via a survey/questionaire why we enjoyed living/working in the city that employed us. We obliged and were allowed to comment on the pos. as well as the negs. This helped mgt. to try and be more aware of any points that may require attention that may cause problems in the future. Would'nt it be interesting to submit to all city employees a similar questionaire, provding it did not violate any union rules. And to view the respective responses. The response that would provide the most interest would be from the ones who no doubt point out all the positives in the city (possibly instructed to do so?, don't bite the hand that feeds you) yet, if it being so, choose not to live here. Despite a city residencey law to the contrary. Which brings to mind all the hoopla presented to prospective home buyers in the Key To The City program when they are squired throughout the city during the presentation. Various city officials point out these city attributes while at the same time refusing to live here partaking in the city's assets they are espousing. In the advertising world a product endorser usually, if not required to, will use the product they are touting. For example: You do not want to be seen driving a Ford, while you are hawking the latest Chevy. So follow what we were taught as children: lead by example. Give back from which you take. |