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Dismal Republican choices ensure Obama’s re-election
Each story I read about the Republican primaries gets more depressing. Obama was woefully inexperienced for this position. He was a media creation, by Oprah and others, with a lot of luck, awesome marketing and good timing. He seems like a decent enough man, but he’s a man without a compass. Bush/Cheney nearly bankrupted this country with the needless war in Iraq. Obama came in and threw wasteful buckets of stimulus money at the fi re and has achieved nothing other than an economic stalemate and a more devalued dollar. As an independent, the only Republican I would consider voting for is Jon Huntsman. He’s intelligent, experienced and has actually run successful businesses. Unfortunately, he’s not preoccupied with saving baby fetuses and burning textbooks, so the wealthy neo-cons that crown Republican candidates will never give him the cash it takes to compete with Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. The swing voters will once again choose Obama over Gingrich/Romney as the lesser of two bleak futures.
GRAHAM HIGGINS Schenectady |