Case of West Nile Virus confirmed in Albany County Wednesday, September 21, 2011 By Michael Lamendola (Contact) , David Lombardo (Contact) Gazette Reporter
ALBANY COUNTY — The first case of the West Nile Virus illness in the Capital Region has been confirmed in Albany County, according to the county Department of Health. The illness presented itself in a 60-year-old man, who is resting at home after a brief hospital visit. The state Department of Health believes the mosquito-borne infection was a product of recent flooding that may have increased mosquito populations. Since Sept. 16, the state DOH said there have been 12 confirmed cases of the West Nile Virus illness. The other cases have been reported in every borough of New York City, except Staten Island, and Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk counties. The disease does not generate any symptoms in some cases and about 20 percent of infected people have only mild symptoms, including fever, headache and body aches. In other cases, though, the virus can cause serious illness or death, but usually in older adults......................>>>>.....................>>>>..................