“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This is one of the most famous sentences in history. Do we Americans ever think about the deeper meaning of these important words? Certain truths are self-evident — they need no justification or debate. It is true that all men are created equal and should be treated by government fairly, justly and without prejudice. Also, we are endowed by our creator with certain rights that the government should protect. The government does not give us these rights, but should protect them. It is God himself who gave us these rights as human beings. Throughout history these rights have been trampled on by government. There has always been an elite class and a subservient class. The elite get rich from the labor of the poor. It was only with the freedom from government interference that was declared in America that a large middle class grew and the nation fl ourished. We are at a crossroads now, where we have had too many freedoms taken away. Our wealth is confi scated through taxation, we are searched at airports as if we were criminals, we are micromanaged as if we were idiots, we will be forced to have medical insurance even if we can’t afford it, we are lied to and propagandized. The middle class is under attack. The American businessman cannot predict the next government edict that will cost money and jobs. The federal government has become way too big and invasive. It is in the process of taking away our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Ask anyone who has lost their house or their job recently if they are happy with government policies. [Federal Reserve Chairman] Ben Bernanke admitted that the Fed caused the Great Depression. Do you think that just maybe their failed policies are at the root of our economic problems now? Free enterprise made America prosperous. Government interference, massive borrowing, never-ending war, social giveaway programs and trillion-dollar bailouts have made America poor. We can’t survive as a free country under the oppressive government we now have in Washington. Think about what America will be like for your children and grandchildren. Will it be the America that we grew up with? I think not. Our drift towards Marxism needs to be reversed. We the people need to declare our independence from the elite who rule over us. We need to restore our constitutional republic.