How can someone who talks about out of state investment, property that he eventually plans to move to have Rotterdams best interests at heart. A person who already is planning on leaving has no concern about the decisions they make and leave behind. What a total joke this loser is!!!! And is there any evidencce he actually has held a job for any period of time where he had to work in the REAL WORLD????
It's only talk. Gosh, back last year he said he was going to see his out of state properties, but there he was, right here in Rotterdam the whole time, posting on these boards, talking about how great the roads were in Schenectady, claiming he saw Stratton at City Hall during the time he was at the mayor's conference. He never went to "travel" to any of "his properties" Any responsible adult who owns properties would be travelling frequently to check on them. Oh yeah, watch, we'll see him writing here that he has a dependable "manager" and everything is fine, blah blah blah.
And on top of that when asked why he doesn't put his money where his mouth is, why doesn't he move to Schenectady city if he thinks it's so wonderful, he says that he is staying right where he is, in the town---the place where his ancestors settled, blah blah blah.
And again, on those alleged properties, well, anyone who owns property out of state would be an investor in many ways. Now, given the pom poms he shakes for Schenectady city, all the cheerleading he does, proclaiming it's in a grand renaissance, anyone with even an ounce of investment knowledge who really believed the city is dramaticaly improving would most definitely buy property now---while prices are low and interest rates are low---because if it was true, that investor would reap big benefits when property values rise. The fact that he talks about investment yet doesn't take steps to invest in something he claims will be such a good return, while at the same time just saying he's staying put, well, rather proves no investiment knowleege or experience. Additionally, avoiding buying in the city when prices and interest rates are low proves he knows darn well it's a dying city, taxes are too high, and far too dangerous.
And lastly, does he not remind you of failure to launch? rofl