Abortion ‘Rights’ And Servicewomen: A Solution In Search Of A Problem Posted by Michael Angley Jun 9th 2011 at 2:58 pm
New York Democratic Congresswoman Louise Slaughter and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand have proposed legislation to provide federal funding for abortions for U.S. military women. Their idea is to cover the cost of abortions in cases of rape, incest, or when the servicewoman’s life is endangered by the pregnancy. In reality, the incidence of such situations is low, so the drive to federally fund abortions in these cases would appear to be about something else. Perhaps it’s really about opening a door to funding abortions in other situations, and potentially compelling military doctors to perform a procedure they may not wish to perform.
Of the 1.4 million members of our Armed Forces, approximately 200,000 are women, or 14% (significantly underrepresented considering about 51% of Americans are female). In 2009, there were 2,670 reported cases of sexual assault in the military (defined as rape, nonconsensual sodomy and wrongful sexual contact). Assuming all victims were female, this represents about 1.3% of the women who serve. Of course, not all sexual assaults result in pregnancy, and while the number that did is unknown, it is likely to be small. So what’s the problem that Slaughter and Gillibrand wish to solve with the legislation they have suggested?.......................................>>>>.............................>>>>>..............................http://bigpeace.com/mangley/20.....search-of-a-problem/