69,000 NY home loans at risk of foreclosure The Business Review - by Michael DeMasi Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 2:42pm EST Related: Banking & Financial Services, Bankruptcies
Nearly 69,000 home loans in New York are at imminent risk of foreclosure, a situation that an advocacy group said today could lead to a “tsunami” of foreclosures over the next year or two. The study by the Empire Justice Center in Albany is based on data provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The data cover about 55 percent of all mortgages in the state. The study compares the number of homes currently in foreclosure in the state, nearly 80,000, with the number of mortgages at least 30 days delinquent as of last September, the group said....................>>>>....................>>>>....................http://www.bizjournals.com/albany/news/2011/03/09/69000-ny-home-loans-at-risk-of.html