We are glad to hear that you are admitting and taking credit for the failed dem/con party. The dems have made schenectady the highest taxed in the state and the 19th highest in the country. Downtown is supported solely by taxpayers money. Take thetaxpayer's money away from the plex........and downtown is a ghost town. The dems are lying to the taxpayers. There is NO economic growth. It is nothing more than private businesses being supported by the overburdened taxpayers. Glad you are taking credit for that too.
Between the reps getting their act together and the independent candidates all over the county.........the dems/cons are DONE!!!! The dems are a joke!!!! There is a smarter and more informed electorate out there now!! The dems made a MESS out of rotterdam in just ONE year!! Ya think the electorate is going to give the dems/cons another chance?
If ya do....I got a bridge to no where to sell ya.
The dems/cons are the rotting corpse of the county while the reps and independents have resurrected!!