Oh, gosh, DV's dem party unelected council member, non-representative of the citizens, man, is this guy ever ingorant!
The queston was asked about the tax exempt properties. He says that Marcella's exemption is due to the assessment being a year old, so there was no building and so he ddoesn't pay....for one year. He is clueless. The official government records are that it's exempt for 10 years! And being that combined city, co, school taxes are inexcess of $40 per thousand, that means a million dollars in taxes that Marcella's is exempt from paying....USING THE 2010 TAX RATES....AND WE KNOW THE TAX RATES WILL PROBABLY BE DOUBLE IN 5 YEARS unless we get rid of the big spender Savage and her dem cronies, So, it's probably going to be, over 10 years, probaly two million dollars on this one propety alone, that the elderly on fixed incomes, and the low income people of the city will have to pay |