ROTTERDAM TOWN BOARD JUNE 9, 2010 AGENDA 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SUPERVISOR’S REPORT -Presentation of awards to paramedics for outstanding performance during the past year -Proposed Housing Facility for Veterans -Town Attorney to speak on June 29th 2010 proposed Ambulance District Vote PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR FOR PERSONNEL AGENDA ITEMS PERSONNEL: Res. No. 174.10 Appoint individuals to seasonal part-time positions at the Parks and Recreation Department retroactive to Wednesday, May 26, 2010 through August 31, 2010. 175.10 Amend Resolution 56.10 to show the proper title for Project Coordinator Office for the Aging. 176.10 Amend Resolution 164.10 to show proper name and appoint seasonal part-time positions at the indicated hourly rates of pay, on an as-needed basis, effective May 26, 2010 through August 31, 2010. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. For a Change of Zone request on approximately 2.735 acres from Single Family Residential (R-1) and Two Family Residential (R-2) to Multi-Family Residential (R-3), on Tax Map Number 58.8-9-17.11 & 58.8-9-4.1 located at 1066 Curry Road and 1113 Floral Avenue, Rotterdam, New York, 12306. The applicant proposes to construct a four (4) unit apartment building and bring a 42- unit apartment building into current zoning codes. Public Hearing is continued from May 12, 2010 B. Town of Rotterdam’s participation in a proposed Schenectady County Unified Communications Center for dispatch of law enforcement, protection services, and emergency medical services. PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR FOR AGENDA ITEMS Res. No 177.10 Call for public hearing to be held on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the John F. Kirvin Government Center, Town Hall, 1100 Sunrise Boulevard, Rotterdam, New York 12306 for the following purpose: To amend Chapter 270 of the Code of the Town of Rotterdam entitled ZONING for a Change of Zone application proposed by Timothy Larned and Maria Esposito on approximately 71.8 acres from Heavy Industrial (I-2) and General Business (B-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) and General Business (B-2). The applicants propose the construction of 248 multi-family garden apartments, approximately 20,000 square feet of commercial space, relocation of existing baseball fields, and the creation of a permanent recreation/conservation area. This matter is hereby referred to the Town Planning Commission for a recommendation to be made prior to the July 14, 2010 Public Hearing. This matter is hereby referred to the Schenectady County Department of Planning and Economic Development pursuant to NYS General Municipal Law Section 239-m. 178.10 Declare the Town of Rotterdam as “lead agency” and authorize the Town Planner to prepare, file, publish and distribute all documents necessary to comply with 6 NYCRR Part 617 & State Environmental Quality Review relative to the above stated application of Timothy Larned and Maria Esposito. 179.10 Refer to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation thereon a proposed Local Law of the Year 2010 for the following purpose: To amend Chapter 188 of the Code of the Town of Rotterdam entitled NOISE to include an updated and enumerated set of prohibited nuisance acts, permitted acts, including a maximum decibel level and increased penalties. 180.10 Adopt Local Law No. Six (6) of the Year 2010 for the following purpose: To amend Chapter 270 of the Code of the Town of Rotterdam entitled ZONING for a Change of Zone request on approximately 2.735 acres from Single Family Residential (R-1) and Two Family Residential (R-2) to Multi-Family Residential (R-3), on Tax Map Number 58.8-9-17.11 & 58.8-9-4.1 located at 1066 Curry Road and 1113 Floral Avenue, Rotterdam, New York, 12306. The applicant proposes to construct a four (4) unit apartment building and bring a 42-unit apartment building into current zoning codes. 181.10 Adopt a resolution whereby the Town of Rotterdam elects not to require personal registration of voters prior to the June 29, 2010 vote on proposed Ambulance District No. 1. 182.10 Amend Resolution 157.10 to show that absentee ballots shall not be available for the June 29, 2010 vote on proposed Ambulance District No. 1. 183.10 Authorize Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $18,965.00 for the Altamont Avenue Water Main Replacement project in the Town of Rotterdam. 184.10 Authorize Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $74.39 for the Rotterdam Junction Water Storage Tank Improvements project in the Town of Rotterdam. 185.10 Authorize the Town Comptroller to deposit check No. 9408 from the Town of Duanesburg in the amount of $2,500.00 into the dispatcher overtime account. 186.10 Establish water rents and contract assessments for the year 2010 for the water districts of the Town of Rotterdam. 187.10 Authorize the Supervisor to execute a sewer connection agreement with Sean Golden of 3360 Guilderland Avenue, Rotterdam, New York. 188.10 Authorize the use of $32,000.00 from the Landfill Post-Closure Reserve to pay consultant costs for well monitoring at the landfill CONSENT ITEMS: Res. No 189.10 Authorize the transfer of first quarter gas expenditures for various Town departments. 190.10 Authorize Comptroller to declare certain office equipment obsolete. 191.10 Accept Town Clerk’s Report for the month of May 2010. 192.10 Budget transfers by the Town Comptroller to various accounts. DISCUSSION ITEMS COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC COMMENT PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR (Per Resolution No. 444.06) G General Rules of Procedure for Public Hearings & Privilege of the Floor: Each speaker will state his/her name and address for the record. To ensure each attendee has an equal and reasonable opportunity to address their concerns, he/she is afforded a maximum of four (4) minutes to address the Town Board. MISCELLANEOUS ADJOURNMENT FRANCIS DEL GALLO, Supervisor
187.10 Authorize the Supervisor to execute a sewer connection agreement with Sean Golden of 3360 Guilderland Avenue, Rotterdam, New York.
Any relation to Michelle?
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
Sorry everybody, but I left the meeting tonight at 10:30. I left when the town board had a recess. The meeting was about half way over. 5 am comes quickly for me and the way the meeting was going, I didn't think we would get out until midnight. I'll have to read the results in the morning paper or read what others have to say here.
When I left they hadn't voted on the Central dispatch, Larned's proposed apartments, Delorenzo's zoning change or the REMS issue yet. Hopefully we'll get some input from those that stayed.
Left to right Matt Vicki – in pain due to post op The attorney Frank Bob Mike G is the acting clerk for the board Gerard
-Presentation of awards to paramedics for outstanding performance during the past year
Officer Keith Collins paramedic Receives award. Speaks 30 years of paramedics April 1980
Ems agency of the year for 2009
Keith’s speaks on John Mazur's case Therapeutic hypothermia (first patient at Ellis for this)
Keith speaks on Kevin Wormoth's case A code cool patient
The patients paramedics are invited to meet those they serves
Rotterdam ems received mention in both cases
Thank you’s everywhere Multiple photos
Keith speaks about mom in labor Paramedic Mark delivered a baby on 890
Mr. Godlewski thanks Keith for his service
Keith speaks of paramedic Sean receiving the schdy co paramedic of the year award
Keith speaks on the loss of paramedics Paramedic Dave D left to work At Ellis and the county has given him the RN of excellence
Paramedic Kevin Jones went on to get his MD and is the medical director
Some other notes mentioned for reversal of cardiac arrests
-Proposed Housing Facility for Veterans 150 appts for disabled vets - the first of its kind in the "world"
-Town Attorney to speak on June 29th 2010 proposed Ambulance District Vote
Only listed property owners can vote
A deed may be necessary proof of ownership
One vote per person no matter how may properties owned
Corp or llc -gets one vote a resolution showing agents status
You must be an agent as of 5/1/2010
No speakers
174.10 Appoint individuals to seasonal part-time positions at the Parks and Recreation Department retroactive to Wednesday, May 26, 2010 through August 31, 2010. (He said Radioactive) Passes
175.10 Amend Resolution 56.10 to show the proper title for Project Coordinator Office for the Aging. Passes
176.10 Amend Resolution 164.10 to show proper name and appoint seasonal part-time positions at the indicated hourly rates of pay, on an as-needed basis, effective May 26, 2010 through August 31, 2010. Passes
A. For a Change of Zone request on approximately 2.735 acres from Single Family Residential (R-1) and Two Family Residential (R-2) to Multi-Family Residential (R-3), on Tax Map Number 58.8-9-17.11 & 58.8-9-4.1 located at 1066 Curry Road and 1113 Floral Avenue, Rotterdam, New York, 12306. The applicant proposes to construct a four (4) unit apartment building and bring a 42- unit apartment building into current zoning codes. Public Hearing is continued from May 12, 2010
FDG 0-He said (12treeOh6) Mark Blackstone For Mr. deloranzo Revisions made Was a 6 Now a 4 unit Sq footage now smaller to Nearest properties 68ft 108ft 838ft No access from floral ave
Mr Parisi ask FGD if he can ask q's 2x
Parisi - can a building be built if no change in zoning - Blackstone- Without a change in zone a 90degree rotated building could be built
A police sergeant has arrived at 7:35pm full combat load
The change of zoning is a better for the neighbors
Niki - where would the new building be in relation to the existing 9
80 ft from existing 9unit building
Fdg- this dwg shows 5 unit Blackstone It will be a 4 unit It will look exactly like it
Niki why can't we get an exact plan
BGodlewski- what is in the spot It is a garage and a shed
BGodlewski- what are the dims Speaking on the supplied docs-they are supplied conceptual dwgs
Blackstone- we made multiple changes to reduce impact
Fdg - peter please explain the plan
B Godlewski - there is a shed too
We have tripod failure
Peter - on memo I spoke to the building inspector The building could not use the 30 ft Rule
Mike godlewski had not yet to talked to all board members
Peter A building could be built with out a zone change Setbacks need to be 20,25,20 R-3
The yellow building could be built pending approvals
Mary Donohue - do not build the building privacy and loss of value
Henry who is the developer Only the owner knows... gino patuchi will be the GC
Septic or sewer- sewer
Mr. Malizinski - on the sewers and need the locals are impassioned and the town should weigh economic vs environmental please put restrictions on building size and moratorium on future building
Gabriels - we are blind sided by the owner again we are worse off if he can build without the zone change
How can you vote on a change of zone without studying the new info
Who has the floor Fdg - who is speaking - can't hear him anyway
You have no choice a building can be built
The crowd
What we are trying to determine Do you want it closer or farther
Mike godlewski - to gerards point you can't just build a building You need to go before the planning commission Also the builder could get a waver and build
Mr gabiel So our zoning laws don't protect anyone So much for by the people for the people
Fdg- I wouldn't live in your house I would live in the congestion
I live in the country I wouldn't know no better
John massironi representing the delorenzo’s has a 90 person petition We the tenants ask the town board to approve the zone change We have first hand knowledge of how well the delorenzo's take care of their property no rodents or no garbage issues and no water issues all lighting will face the new properties Way to fast to type
"If you want to see the future look at the history"
250,000 paid in taxes Pride of ownership
Better for taxes by 2x
Better to know the devil you know than the one you don't!!!
Lots of groaning in the audience
A vote against the zoning is a vote against the neighbors
Lynn dinan - my house looks at the wooded area this change lowers property values
I voted for a change in govt not a change in living
Mr- blackstone- about mr godlewskis comment we will require a review by the planning commission
This public hearing is closed
B. Town of Rotterdam’s participation in a proposed Schenectady County Unified Communications Center for dispatch of law enforcement, protection services, and emergency medical services.
Niki - may I speak before we begin What is this public hearing is not what we discussed Someone please answer
Mike g - this is on central dispatch
Confusion about a resolution for public dispatch
Niki- I sent an email and only one reply
We can propose a resolution to vote on public dispatch
Bill vanhoesen- supports central dispatch Hats off to the paramedics
FDG-Anyone want water.....besides niki
Dist 6 sent a letter of recommendation to town and we have yet to receive a response
Ron severson- I support the town board backing centralized dispatch
Hamburg business – supports centralized dispatch
Mike france- I support the town board backing centralized dispatch
MS Gage-rotterdam dispatch we have 160yr of experience in dispatch - to many questions are unanswered about costs We wear many hats -we are hands on with the rotterdam residents
Don't fix what's not broken
Joe vanderwerker dist 3 I support central dispatch
Michele weaver- does this encompass the whole of schenectady
911 in schdy county is a mess!!!! As demonstrated by Ms Gage -In my opinion this is not rotterdams
Mr Wood- we got a million grant Suppot the central dispatch
Jon dibios- chief of ploterkill Our concern is crossing town lines And radios
Rich Dunsmore-we should have efficient communication across the county It sounds as if the fd are well informed How come the rotterdam police and others have not been involved in the plan??? It is my understanding that radios will not change
I am not against the program I am for working together involving all services
This town board needs to have all information before you decide
Show me the cost before the savings
I am not against the program I want to work together
Paul shevleur- greg rd Decisions must be based on all the facts The board does not have the facts Will it improve public safety What's up with the city of utica Who will pay for new equipment??? The proposed plan is understated Please table this matter I approve of the concept
Mike godlewski - please move your comments along
Tommy brogam- lower rotterdam jct I'll stay to midnight how about you? First is safety if the emergency personnel We would not be here if the phone was answer promptly and correctly There is silence in the room while he speaks
In my 75 years that most considerations cost more
Do you understand the word "NO"
Tippy comment- this is the perfect person at 9:07pm nice and drawn out a true southern speaker just like in movies of the 50's there is waver in his voice
9:10 pm The first popcorn bag has been opened
Mike Godlewski trying not to laugh on the comment of political suicide
A town dispatcher- the staff requested a meeting with county officials it was refreshing to here a positive note Speaker breaks down Do it for the right reasons and do it right Is this about Rotterdam, schdy county or the city of schenectady Think outside the box The firemen have valid points I not against it Don't lie to me
Tony gergenski - county leg You can see there are competing views In the 90's it was the county telling the towns what to do
Is there a way to deal with the weakness
Can we improve public safety
Can we save money
The county hired a consultant
All the stake holders in rotterdam were interviews
Sch’dy is showing a maintained of effort
First year savings 300K And more saving each year
Who controls it-policy oversight committee
Technical oversight committee
Who is on board - niskycuna,
We are looking for a 20 year agreement on the method of payment thus it is reviewed every 3 years
A 20year bond
Gerard - outreach to police No one asked tony to speak with the RPD
9:50 small recess
Public hearing is now closed
Gerard - add a motion for central dispatch as presentation 176.10b
716.10a - postpone the ambulance vote till late November
716.10c - hiring of engineer for the delorenzo property if zoning fails whether a building can be built
Argument of value of engineer
Mike G tells bob G to let the vote decide
Frank salamone- approves niki's request on the amb dist1 Believes all residents shall vote to enter a general welfare subjects Ems effects the health and welfare Of everyone Put it on the regular ballot
Tracy donovan - approves nikis postponement And agrees with frank salamone
Mr malizinski - 179.10 even thought the size of the project meets the requirements there are environment issues
Mary gaberiel- agrees with Mr malizinski on the env
Mrs malizinski- recommend the board issues a informational news letter on the amb dist 1
Tony G - does a yes vote mean that a tax dist is created for REMS or is it any provider Also a date certain
Niki- the vote 29 is rem and absentee ballots Then it is only land holders and it is for a tax dist I tried for primary day It is my crusade that all will know what the vote is about and it will not be hidden
Kelly R -YEAH
Tony G - to fdg please do not disguise the vote
Fdg-How long would it take to educate them
Ron severson - agrees with frank salamone The wording needs to be in the simplest form
John - 98per cent want the wording of the vote to say REMS The seniors in this town want rems to remain - that document was last night only
John vanderwerker - the rotterdam seniors have a document with 70+ signatures We are not a business driven operation
john dibas - board member for rems If the vote is not for rems then that will be the end of rems
Kelly Rhinesmith- this vote is an attempt to sneak it in the back door This should be privatized Mohawk- The building would be taxed The service would be charged by those who need it If you are going to bid why vote I don't minimize what they do the ems staff I just don't understand the bailout Just do it - on nov 4 Let everybody vote
Mike G - ok kel
Bill- I'm sorry folks it is a long nite but I can let that crap go by The discussion is between municipal service or a paid for profit
Bob G -I would like a motion to table the central dispatch motion - no second
Rest a-postpone the amb dist 1
Gerard -We have been having discussion for 4 hours
Bob G - I am amazed by the board members on this vote - every one has dump - this is all the last boards fault - this board was challenged by all the stumbling block there was a 60days notice issue We wanted to take the politics out of the issue Weather you were here or not you has the info
Niki- I had a major operation -the we descried -is really mr Bob Godlewski deiced I never I heard the about the April vote
I am sorry apologies I didn't read ad I was recovering from surgery
Argument niki and bob argument over the April date
Niki is not apologizing to bob godlewski
Matt- what does it matter who chose the date let's move on
Move the vote to november GP - yes BG - no Niki-yes Martin-yes Fdg- no
Motion to enter to central d GP-Y BG-no no one is against ctr dispatch I want fiscal dispatch maintence of effort sucks - this is a 20 year agreement - every town needs to agree on a 3year review - let me decide what is best for my town Also board agreements are limited to 5 years ND-Y MM-Y Fdg-Y
Zoning issue hire an engineer to advise the town board GP-y BG-n ND-y MM-y FDG-n Mike godlewski used to work for mr delorenzo
Res. No 177.10 Call for public hearing to be held on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the John F. Kirvin Government Center, Town Hall, 1100 Sunrise Boulevard, Rotterdam, New York 12306 for the following purpose: To amend Chapter 270 of the Code of the Town of Rotterdam entitled ZONING for a Change of Zone application proposed by Timothy Larned and Maria Esposito on approximately 71.8 acres from Heavy Industrial (I-2) and General Business (B-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) and General Business (B-2). The applicants propose the construction of 248 multi-family garden apartments, approximately 20,000 square feet of commercial space, relocation of existing baseball fields, and the creation of a permanent recreation/conservation area. This matter is hereby referred to the Town Planning Commission for a recommendation to be made prior to the July 14, 2010 Public Hearing. This matter is hereby referred to the Schenectady County Department of Planning and Economic Development pursuant to NYS General Municipal Law Section 239-m. GP-y BG-y ND-y MM-y FDG-y
Motion to table 179 GP-y BG-n ND-y MM-y FDG-n
Table motion 180 GP-y BG-n ND-y MM-y FDG-n
178.10 Declare the Town of Rotterdam as “lead agency” and authorize the Town Planner to prepare, file, publish and distribute all documents necessary to comply with 6 NYCRR Part 617 & State Environmental Quality Review relative to the above stated application of Timothy Larned and Maria Esposito. All yes
179.10 Adopt Local Law No. Six (6) of the Year 2010 for the following purpose: To amend Chapter 270 of the Code of the Town of Rotterdam entitled ZONING for a Change of Zone request on approximately 2.735 acres from Single Family Residential (R-1) and Two Family Residential (R-2) to Multi-Family Residential (R-3), on Tax Map Number 58.8-9-17.11 & 58.8-9-4.1 located at 1066 Curry Road and 1113 Floral Avenue, Rotterdam, New York, 12306. The applicant proposes to construct a four (4) unit apartment building and bring a 42-unit apartment building into current zoning codes.
180.10 Adopt a resolution whereby the Town of Rotterdam elects not to require personal registration of voters prior to the June 29, 2010 vote on proposed Ambulance District No. 1. Motion to table-pass
Motion to table 181 and 182 motion passes
181.10 Amend Resolution 157.10 to show that absentee ballots shall not be available for the June 29, 2010 vote on proposed Ambulance District No. 1. Motion-tabled
183.10 Authorize Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $18,965.00 for the Altamont Avenue Water Main Replacement project in the Town of Rotterdam. Motion-passed
184.10 Authorize Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $74.39 for the Rotterdam Junction Water Storage Tank Improvements project in the Town of Rotterdam. Motion-passes
185.10 Authorize the Town Comptroller to deposit check No. 9408 from the Town of Duanesburg in the amount of $2,500.00 into the dispatcher overtime account. Motion-pass
186.10 Establish water rents and contract assessments for the year 2010 for the water districts of the Town of Rotterdam. Motion-passes
187.10 Authorize the Supervisor to execute a sewer connection agreement with Sean Golden of 3360 Guilderland Avenue, Rotterdam, New York. Motion-passes
188.10 Authorize the use of $32,000.00 from the Landfill Post-Closure Reserve to pay consultant costs for well monitoring at the landfill FDG-What's the freakin thing say I can see
CONSENT ITEMS: Res. No 189.10 Authorize the transfer of first quarter gas expenditures for various Town departments. 190.10 Authorize Comptroller to declare certain office equipment obsolete. 191.10 Accept Town Clerk’s Report for the month of May 2010. 192.10 Budget transfers by the Town Comptroller to various accounts. DISCUSSION ITEMS COMMITTEE REPORTS
Matts senior moment something about a farmers market he spoke way to fast but there is stuff at the senior ctr this month
Ron severenson- can the we make some money by renting cots!!! At the town boardmeetings
Sean Ahearn - last meeting with us Sean good luck we will miss you
Other notes
Flag day parade Monday June 14, 2010 Assemble at 5:30 at Mohonasen HS Step off at 6:30
Parks and Recreation Public input on "Vision 2020" Wednesday July 14, 2010 5:30pm At Town Hall Wednesday August 11, 2010 5:30pm At Town Hall Learn about the draft town parks plan Ask questions and share your Ideas as we plan for our future All input will be used in shaping the final proposal
Talking to each other is better than talking about each other
Surprise appt was a disaster. Steve knows it. Without Surprise there is no FDG and all that campaign money, no ND, MM and quite conceivable no EE.
Been around too long Trust me The GOP misread the damage that a Craig Surprise appt would do at the polls. The same misread the Dems made with Mallaley and Liccardi. Agreed?
Tell me something peeps.......can you HONESTLY say that if surprise, mallaley and liccardi were gone, this present town board would be more....more....more.....I don't even know the words......better? Paleeezzzee! If they were gone do you think that fdg wouldn't have said to the resident....'I wouldn't live where you live'? What an insult!!!! Do you think if they were gone that they would know how and when to vote and pass a resolution? Can you HONESTLY say that the incompetence of this town board is due to the last administration? Pallleeezzzee!
I was standing in the back and the people back there were in disbelief on the incompetence shown by this present town board. Theyall said...'glad I didn't support or vote for them'!!!
You place blame on the past administration AND on surprise, mallaley and liccardi. It is misplaced blame. If they were gone rotterdam would still have this embarrassing merry band of idiots!!! Should surprise, mallaley and liccardi, be gone? Perhaps. But that is clearly not the problem with this bunch. And clearly not the problem of the last administration. It is truly a circus act!! IMHO
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
Bob G - I am amazed by the board members on this vote - every one has dump - this is all the last boards fault - this board was challenged by all the stumbling block there was a 60days notice issue
Ah, more continuing of the "blame game" - I swear, that's gonna be a tv game show soon. Everyone seems to be doing it, at every level, in every party.
Tell me something peeps.......can you HONESTLY say that if surprise, mallaley and liccardi were gone, this present town board would be more....more....more.....I don't even know the words......better? Paleeezzzee! If they were gone do you think that fdg wouldn't have said to the resident....'I wouldn't live where you live'? What an insult!!!! Do you think if they were gone that they would know how and when to vote and pass a resolution? Can you HONESTLY say that the incompetence of this town board is due to the last administration? Pallleeezzzee!
I was standing in the back and the people back there were in disbelief on the incompetence shown by this present town board. Theyall said...'glad I didn't support or vote for them'!!!
You place blame on the past administration AND on surprise, mallaley and liccardi. It is misplaced blame. If they were gone rotterdam would still have this embarrassing merry band of idiots!!! Should surprise, mallaley and liccardi, be gone? Perhaps. But that is clearly not the problem with this bunch. And clearly not the problem of the last administration. It is truly a circus act!! IMHO
In my opinion, and you know I am not held in very high regard on this board Bumble, had Steve and the board decided NOT to hire Craig Surprise then we would not be watching a circus act! There would be no Mallaley and Liccardi. There would be no FDG, MM, ND. There would be no GP as a councilman, MDV would still be here, there would be no ANG changing parties, there would be no Dep Super BG. I really believe there would be no EE. Craig Surprise created FDG and all the moolah needed to knock out the GOP. If you can't see that then you are as dumb as I am!
Furthermore, had Surprise not screwed with FDG assessment and others the GOP survives. The die was cast when Steve and the crew hired Surprise and dictated the advancement of their post reval agenda. Didn't work and they know it. The GOP should be happy they are keeping Steve T's appts around. They sabatoged him and they will sabatoge FDG crew. And its true I am an outcast. But is that so bad all things considered????
No Peeps say it isn't so...I hold you in high regard. Did they get rid fo Surprise yet? Time to go--he has way over-stayed his welcome. BTW I think your assessment is almost on target. Steve NEEDED to go as did that whole board. This board is not as offensive as the other flag pin wearing clones/clowns.
In my opinion, and you know I am not held in very high regard on this board Bumble, had Steve and the board decided NOT to hire Craig Surprise then we would not be watching a circus act! There would be no Mallaley and Liccardi. There would be no FDG, MM, ND. There would be no GP as a councilman, MDV would still be here, there would be no ANG changing parties, there would be no Dep Super BG. I really believe there would be no EE. Craig Surprise created FDG and all the moolah needed to knock out the GOP. If you can't see that then you are as dumb as I am!
Furthermore, had Surprise not screwed with FDG assessment and others the GOP survives. The die was cast when Steve and the crew hired Surprise and dictated the advancement of their post reval agenda. Didn't work and they know it. The GOP should be happy they are keeping Steve T's appts around. They sabatoged him and they will sabatoge FDG crew. And its true I am an outcast. But is that so bad all things considered????
Again peeps, I don't buy it. I don't think it was the hiring of surprise as much as it was the letting go of macjecka. THAT seems to really be the issue. Surprise may not be a gem but neither was macjecka. That just boils down to a 'party preference'! It's done all the time when there's a changing of the guard. Just look at this town hall and you can see it's done ALL the time....But to imply that this entire change of events hinges on rotterdam's assessors office is ridiculous.
The real crux of the issue is that rotterdam now has a town board that ran for their own personal motivations and a political party that cheered them on like they were the best thing since sliced bread, while also promising that they will be the saviors of people's tax issues!! It was clearly a misguided campaign from the top right down to the bottom.
As far as you being an outcast.....well that's what happens when anyone becomes a 'party person', which is exactly why I am a blank. No loyalties except to my ideology and a candidate I choose to support. Politics is clearly a cesspool!!
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
haha That's funny. Del Gallo, the independent business man is being run by County Dems? So it's true that he is no leader...because if her WAS, he wouldn't allow the influence to grab hold of the town's business.
County influence. Our town is being run from the sixth floor at the county office bldg. Sad but true.
Of course it is. That was the plan. This is just the beginning. County dispatch, next will be the RPD. But it appears that when the county dems wanted to be the heroes of the LL field, the rotterdam dems were cheering them on!!!!! Most of the residents KNEW that this was just the beginning.'s a little too late now. Surprise, Mallaley, Liccardi nor the last admin is not to blame for rotterdam's present dire state of affairs. The dems have no one to blame but themselves for being too complacent and blindly loyal to their party AND for supporting this bunch!
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
County influence. Our town is being run from the sixth floor at the county office bldg. Sad but true.
You got that one right Peeper...
Once Savage, Gardner et al finally seized the County I knew it would only be a matter of time before they "consolidate" their power...consuming all of the towns within the county...all courtesy of the union operatives who have been running the Schenectady County Conservative Party on behalf of the Democrats, who long ago understood that the only way for them to secure the swing vote of the Conservative line was to control it. Once Paul Brown gave them the county, they knew they needed more municipal-specific organization to begin the process of swallowing the towns...the PBAs were the answer...and well established Democrat support for union agendas made it simple.
I don't how there can be any doubts about who controls the Schenectady County Conservative Party....and they will destroy everything they touch...we've had this conversation Peeper...I hope you'll think about it now.
The real crux of the issue is that rotterdam now has a town board that ran for their own personal motivations and a political party that cheered them on like they were the best thing since sliced bread, while also promising that they will be the saviors of people's tax issues!! It was clearly a misguided campaign from the top right down to the bottom.
Your comment on the town board running for "personal motivations" is spot on. What was disturbing last night was the fractured coherence of the board. On the centalized dispatch issue, Bob G. requested the vote be tabled until more facts could be gleaned. NO ONE seconded the motion! Clear sign of disrespect. Nikki D. on REMS, "I'm here for the people!", although absent on all the spot zones. Maximize your support is the name of the game. After Tony G. filibustered for just short of a half hour with the Glenville plane crashing into the Mohawk River scenario, Bob G. raised a number of good issues on central dispatch. 20 yr. contract committment, problems with the maintenance use equation, only one other muni (Niskayuna) on board with the plan, etc. Blatant power struggles and internal bickering, even people in the audience were cracking up! More motions were made so fast that no one even knew what resolution they were working on. Pretty ugly, and I predict it will get worse! Who could possibly generate interest as a candidate to serve the town in that environment!