How about this for a start? Let's slash the entire Legislature's pay...maybe 10% across the board?
10% reduction
A1010.111 01001-Chairman of the Legislature 16,499 $14849.10
A1010.111 06001-Deputy Chairman of the Legislature 15,499 $13949.10
A1010.111 05001-Vice Chairman of the Legislature 15,499 $13949.10
A1010.111 02001-Majority Leader 15,499 $13949.10
A1010.111 03001-Minority Leader 15,499 $13949.10
A1010.111 04010-Legislator (10) 140,930 $126,837.00
A1010.111 Total Regular Employees 219,425 $197,482.50
There's already a savings of $21,942.50, the price of 1 1/2 legislators. Then, what additional work is done as
Deputy Chairman(Vince DiCerbo) or Vice Chairman (Judy Dagostino)? Why should the be getting paid any
more than a non-bumped up Legislator? In the new calculations, this would be an additional $1,265.40 savings.
The County Manager (Kathy Rooney) currently makes $120,000 per year...and she can't speak up for
herself, so the Legislature recently had to appoint a $60,000-per-year position for the Communications
Director? What happened to getting rid of non-essential positions by attrition? If this person only
makes half the money she does, maybe he's not worth it? Shouldn't someone with "his MBA and
his bachelor’s degree in communications, and his years of experience with the United Way" be looking
a bit higher than a $60,000 per year patronage position? Although, I must give credit, paying this
$60,000 position is better than paying the Assistant County Manager $85,000...until they fill THAT
behind other's backs. Then, there's Ed Kosiur's position, at another $80,000
So, my savings plan, slash 10% from the County Legislature, knocking back 2 Sub-Chairmen to
regular old Legislators, making Kathy Rooney take care of that part in her contract that we all have
to deal with (a.k.a. Other duties as assigned,), and disbursement of the position of the Assistant
to the Commissioner of Social Services for Youth Development position brings my immediate
savings to the taxpayer of...$161,942.50. While it's only a beginning, it is 1% of the current
deficit that the county has to deal with.
...But I'm just a lowly resident. Who am I to bring about possibilities for change?