Yadda Yadda Yadda.
Your argument rests on telling me what I THINK!
I don't "cherry pick" the rich...
I make no distinction between Rich Democrats, or Rich Republicans, they are equal scumbags
who made it big in this country on the backs of the middle class, if they then cheat the same
taxpayers by not paying their fair share.
(But your argument does sound almost legitimate if you make it about my politics.)
You've posted
"even at 22%, those rich STILL pay more tax than you or I"...OF COURSE THEY DO!!! THAT IS THE POINT OF OUR PROGRESSIVE TAX SYSTEM.
THE MORE YOU MAKE THE MORE YOU SHOULD PAY. But of course the tax system
states that the filthy rich should pay a higher rate... and as we all know, they pay
less than our rate!
Then you post:
My concern about government waste is about ALL who do it...
My concern about tax cheats and fraud is about ALL who do it...Yea???
So you go after the guy who cheated the US taxpayers out of $4.27...
and I'll go after the guy who cheated the US taxpayers out of $4.27 million
But you want to treat everyone fairly!