SSD is where they park the chronically unemployed. They routinely deny claims the first time around as a means of saving money. Seriously disabled people are jerked around and made to jump through hoops, it is atrocious what they have to go through. Disability is a scam. That welfare to work, no benefits after two years garbage we heard about from the Clinton era? Didn't happen. Too many loopholes, and like I said, they move the more resistant ones to SSD, or the TSA. Now that I think about it, Obama's "everyone will have more than a high school diploma" idea was another scam, to keep large numbers of people out of the workforce until he'd been safely elected to a second term, to feed the predatory lending industry, and to make the younger Americans who can't find good jobs blame themselves for getting the "wrong" degree or not enough education. This is a bit off topic, I know, but there is an awful lot of money floating around not helping those who need help, and a lot of people trying to help themselves while the government is actually helping them hurt themselves worse. |