Regarding the recent presidential campaign, he talked about the surprising psychology behind negative advertising-- such ads, while sometimes inducing fear, actually cause people to seek out more information about a candidate, as opposed to positive ads, which tend to reduce interest. Coast To Coast. Campaigns, war hysteria, they are ALL magic, TRANCES, never kid yourself. The same psychology is deployed. The OCCULT & political advertising are one in the same. Negative advertising if not the work of the devil is the work of the dark side of man Obama, SantaBarbara, Ms Pani DEMOcrats. I rest my case. Today I stopped in at Anglo Santabarbara's campaign office on Curry Rd. I asked the three (Witches Of McBeth) girls if it was true Sheldon Silver is bankrolling Angelo. They said no. I asked them where Angelo was getting money to run campaign that was Homeric is cost. No answer. I thank them & told them they were good little DNC girls. |