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Veteran Arrested for Facebook Post
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August 17, 2012, 3:00pm Report to Moderator

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"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."

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August 17, 2012, 5:18pm Report to Moderator

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Private Message Reply: 1 - 240
August 17, 2012, 5:20pm Report to Moderator

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He is a conspiracy theorist and does not subscribe to the democrap/republican theories so he MUST be arrested!

"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
Private Message Reply: 2 - 240
August 17, 2012, 5:34pm Report to Moderator

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Facebook entries from this past week:


Do you know why the American people will win the civil war that is coming? Because we are Americans.

Sharpen up my axe; I'm here to sever heads.

You should understand that many of the things I have said here are for the world to see.

This is the picture of the Pentagon, right after our leaders shot a missile into it.

This is firefighters talking about the explosive charges placed within the twin towers.

The Revolution will come for me. Men will be at my door soon to pick me up to lead it.

The Revolution is here. And I will lead it.


Courage. Loyalty. And Honor.

Facebook page number 2:


And when you hear the rams horn its the f**king ending.

My Guns are Bigger Than a Babies Arm.

The Revolution is about to start.


Private Message Reply: 3 - 240
Box A Rox
August 17, 2012, 5:37pm Report to Moderator

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Just your typical Right Wing Conspiracy Nut.

This guy seems to believe anything but the truth.  Check out some of his FB posts:

Brandon J Raub
This is the picture of the Pentagon, right after our leaders shot a missle into it.

Brandon J Raub
The people responsible for posioning the America people from the sky will be held accountable.
And there is going to be justice.
This is a picture of the government dropping Barium and Aluminum Powder from the air on American

Brandon J Raub
Also, 911 was an inside job.
This is firefighters talking about the explosive charges placed within the twin towers.

Sounds like your typical conspiracy nut hater.  It's all the GOVERNMENT'S fault.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 4 - 240
Rusty Shackleford
August 17, 2012, 5:39pm Report to Moderator
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This guys a nut job.
E-mail Reply: 5 - 240
August 17, 2012, 5:39pm Report to Moderator

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The Truth
by Brandon J Raub on Friday, November 11, 2011 at 10:00am ยท

America has lost itself.  We have lost who we truly are.  This is the land of the free and the home of the brave.  This is the land of Thomas Jefferson.  This is the land of Benjamin Franklin.  This is the land of Fredrick Douglas.  This is the land of Smedley Butler.  This is the land John F. Kennedy.  This is the land of Martin Luther King.  This is the land where the cowboy wins.  This is the land where you can start from the bottom and get to the top.  This is the land where regardless of you race and ethnicity you can suceed and build a better life for you and your family.  This is the land where every race coexists peacefully.  This is the land where justice wins.  This is the land where liberty dwells. This is the land where freedom reigns.  This is the land where we help the poor, and people help eachother.  This is land where people beat racism.

The federal reserve is wrong.  They have designed a system based off of gread and fear.  They designed a system to crush the middle class between taxes and inflation.  This is wrong, and it is unjust.  It is wrong.

We have allowed ourselves to be devieced and seduced by the powers of the printing press.  It is not a good system.  It discourages saving: the foundation for all stable economic activity.  The federal reserve is artificially manipulating interests rates and creating phony economic data.  This thing has decieved our entire nation.

They created it 1913.  They also created the income tax in 1913.  They encouraged the growth of debt so they can tax you on it.  There is interest on the debt.  Your government is in bed with these people.  They want to enslave you to the government so that they can control every aspect of your lives.  It is an empire based on lies.  They operate of greed and fear.

There is a better way.  It's called freedom.  Freedom is called a lot of things.  But there is a true meaning.  It means very simply that you have the right to do whatever you want as long as you are not infringing on the feedoms of other people.

I firmly believe that God set America apart from the other nations of the world.  He saved a place where people could come to to escape bad systems of goverment.  This system we have created works.  It really works.

There is evil going on all around the world.  The United States was meant to lead the charge against injustice, but through our example not our force.  People do not respond to having liberty and freedom forced on them.

Men and Women follow courage.  They follow leadership, and courage.  Our example has paved the way for people all around the world to change their forms of goverment.

Force is not the way because liberty is a powerful concept.  The idea that men can govern themselves is the basis for every just form of government.

We can govern ourselves.  We do not need to be governed by men who want to install a one world banking system.  These men have machine hearts.  Machine and unnatural hearts.  They have blocked out the possibility of a better world.  They fear human progress.  They have monopolies on everything.

This life can be free and beautiful.  There are enough resources on this earth to support the world's population.  There are enough resources on this earth to feed everyone.  There is enough land for everyone to own their own land and farm, and produce their own energy.

These people have been hiding technology.  There are ways to create power easily.  There is technology that can provide free cheap power for everyone.  There are farming techniques that can feed the entire world.

They are controlling your media.  They have dumbed you down through your school systems.  They have systematically dismantled the constitution.  It is in rags.

The bill of rights is being systematically dismantled.  Men have spilled their blood for those rights.

Your sons and daughters, your brothers and sisters, and Americas best young men and women are loosing their limbs.  They are loosing their lives.  They are loosing the hearts.  They do not know why they are fighting.  They are killing.  And they do not know why.

They have done some extroadinary acts.  Their deeds go before them.  But these wars are lies.  They are lies.  They decieved our entire nation with terrorism.  They have gotten us to hand them our rights.  Our Rights!  Men died for those rights!

September Eleventh was an inside job.  They blew up a third building in broad daylight.  Building 7.

Your leaders betrayed you.

You elected an aristocracy.  They are beholden to special interests.  They were brainwashed through the Council on Foreign Relations.  Your leaders are planning to merge the United States into a one world banking system.  They want to put computer chips in you.

These men have evil hearts.  They have tricked you into supporting corporate facism.  We gave them the keys to our country.  We were not vigilant with our republic.


Private Message Reply: 6 - 240
August 17, 2012, 5:40pm Report to Moderator

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He seems a little out there but I seen no threats made, let alone anything to have him arrested

"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."

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Private Message Reply: 7 - 240
August 17, 2012, 5:42pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Box A Rox
Just your typical Right Wing Conspiracy Nut.

This guy seems to believe anything but the truth.  Check out some of his FB posts:

Brandon J Raub
This is the picture of the Pentagon, right after our leaders shot a missle into it.

Brandon J Raub
The people responsible for posioning the America people from the sky will be held accountable.
And there is going to be justice.
This is a picture of the government dropping Barium and Aluminum Powder from the air on American

[i]Brandon J Raub

Perhaps you know it alls can explain where the wrecked plane is?

Not even a nut or bolt was ever found.

Private Message Reply: 8 - 240
August 17, 2012, 5:51pm Report to Moderator

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Brandon J Raub:

This is the part where I tell the Federal Government to go f*** itself.

This is the part where I tell Generals, training our young men to fight Americans, I am coming for you.

The Veterans will be with me.
Private Message Reply: 9 - 240
August 17, 2012, 5:56pm Report to Moderator

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Private Message Reply: 10 - 240
August 17, 2012, 5:59pm Report to Moderator

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He now has a support group:

Support Brandon Raub


Private Message Reply: 11 - 240
Box A Rox
August 17, 2012, 6:02pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Libertarian4life

Perhaps you know it alls can explain where the wrecked plane is?
Not even a nut or bolt was ever found.

WOW! Another conspiracy nut... who'd a thunk it?

If you want to believe that the Pentagon was not hit by an aircraft on Sept 11... nothing I can post will
convince you.  If you ignore facts... then stop reading here and don't waste your time.

If you are interested in the facts then continue:

This photograph shows what fire can do to an aircraft. This was all that was left of a Boeing 747 after
it caught fire while landing.
Note the debris field from a FIRE... NO crash was involved!

This photograph shows the crash site of a DC-8, a jetliner of about the same size as a B-757

There is very little recognizable from these two wrecks... the Pentagon flight hit a hardened building which
in past similar wrecks, left little recognizable as an aircraft.

This photograph shows scraps of metal, some with green aircraft primer paint, piled wrapped around a
damaged column.

Pentagon Facade Damage Fits a 757

The Pentagon attack resulted in extensive damage to the facade corresponding roughly to the frontal
profile of a 757. The damaged area included extensive punctures on the first floor and much smaller
punctures on the second floor.

The Pentagon attack left debris scattered over a wide area. Judging from the dimensions of punctures
in the facade the vast majority of debris ended up inside of the building. Nonetheless, the few
photographs that show portions of the lawn near the building show an extensive debris field, easily
accounting for the portions of a 757 that did not penetrate the building. Although no photographs
show large pieces of aircraft, it is not reasonable to expect large pieces to have survived intact
given the nature of the crash.

Your claim that:"Not even a nut or bolt was ever found", simply isn't true.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 12 - 240
August 17, 2012, 6:51pm Report to Moderator

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Even if he was a 9/11 conspiracy theorist who cares, is that now grounds for being arrested, does he not have a 1st amendment right.

"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."

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Private Message Reply: 13 - 240
August 17, 2012, 7:28pm Report to Moderator

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Not in the opinion of Statist Absolutists. He is not entitled to his far out views and nutty ideas. He needs to be locked up. Who knows what can be made illegal next? Maybe they can get people who are against same sex marriage locked away next!

"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
Private Message Reply: 14 - 240
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