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Paul Ryan in Mitt's VP Choice
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August 22, 2012, 2:54am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from joebxr

I inhabited the body of another within hours of landing.

gotcha.....when I landed the statue of liberty was half sunk in mud and NYC was underground with a nuclear missle
was worshipped by the inhabitants....

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 150 - 269
August 22, 2012, 2:57am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from Box A Rox
A new Pew Research survey finds 72% have heard a lot or a little about Rep. Paul Ryan's proposal to
change Medicare into a program that would give future participants a credit toward purchasing private
health insurance coverage. And among those who are aware, the idea remains unpopular; by a 49%
to 34% margin more oppose than favor the idea.

that's just how lazy and shortsighted we are.....

if we had a fishing pole we actually WOULD be concerned about the equipment....now we have so much time on hands
to complain about something we actually don't want to change, I guess.....

we have a set view of the outcome of the set up....EVEN THOUGH it ain't the best but it is 'THE AT LEAST'

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 151 - 269
August 22, 2012, 4:01am Report to Moderator

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Found this to be quite interesting:


Quoted Text
The Delusions in Ryan's Medicare Vision
Paul Ryan has bold economic ideas. Or maybe he doesn't. It's really hard to know what Mitt Romney's VP pick thinks, since his budget plan includes Obamacare's $716 billion in Medicare savings over 10 years, but his election plan has him saying he would restore those spending cuts. Romney is accusing president Obama of "robbing" that money from today's beneficiaries.

Let's set the confusion aside for a moment and look at where the projected cuts would be made.

First off, none of the savings comes from changing eligibility or benefits. The president's health care reforms actually add benefits to Medicare. The savings come from reducing payments to hospitals, home-health services and other providers, though not doctors. And all the provider groups (except for insurers) have gone along with it because by covering 32 million currently uninsured Americans, the law brings them more paying customers.

The Ryan plan would affect only Americans now under age 55. It would replace guaranteed benefits with vouchers, whereby folks would be given a set number of dollars with which to buy private coverage or pay their Medicare premium. It would save money by increasing that number of dollars over the years by less than expected rises in medical costs.

In the real world, private insurers will skim off the young, healthy and profitable. What's left of traditional Medicare will attract the sickest patients, and down it goes.

But even accepting Ryan's sunnier vision requires swallowing several delusions:

Delusion 1: Offering vouchers to buy a private plan opens a wonderful world of choice to future beneficiaries. Exactly what would that choice be? It would be a choice of private insurers. In many cases, that means less choice of doctors and hospitals, as the for-profits force enrollees into their networks of approved providers.

Private insurers are in the business of making money for their executives and stockholders. UnitedHealth Group CEO Stephen Hemsley alone hauled in $42 million last year. As implied above, an old person with asthma, a heart problem and two other worsening conditions is very, very bad for the bottom line. The idea that these profit-oriented companies would compete to attract sick and expensive elderly patients is not only a fantasy, it's an insane fantasy.

Delusion 2: Old-fashioned Medicare as we know it would be preserved for Americans 55 and older. This will not happen.

The scheme to radically degrade Medicare benefits for those born after 1957 would blow up well before the year of change, 2023, arrives. The Ryan plan has gotten as far as it has because younger Americans have not been focusing on their retirements. Republicans think they can drop this voucher system on them unawares.

But the likelihood that Americans born in 1957 or after are going to accept a two-class deal in which they have to pay for older peoples' generous benefits while expecting far less for themselves is about zero. As time goes on, there will be progressively more voters born after 1957 and fewer born before. Thus, the politically numerous would either demand that older Americans' Medicare benefits be dragged down to their promised levels or that the whole voucher business be dropped. And who could blame them?

Delusion 3: Only private insurers can curb Medicare spending. Not true. The evidence comes in the Republicans' own political ads complaining that ObamaCare cuts Medicare spending. Furthermore, spending on the Medicare program has been growing more slowly than that on private coverage because of lower administrative costs.

There's so much waste in Medicare that you could probably cut $1 trillion out and patients would not notice a difference. That's actually good news -- or should be.

Private Message Reply: 152 - 269
August 22, 2012, 5:39am Report to Moderator
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Romney could have done better politically with pick

    It appears to me that [GOP presidential candidate] Mitt Romney’s selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate may have pre-signaled the re-election of Barack Obama.
    I say this because the goal of a presidential candidate is to win. It follows that a vice presidential candidate should be one who most helps the standard bearer achieve this end.
    I believe there is someone else who would have helped Romney more than Ryan will. I can think of three areas where Romney is going to need a lot of help. First and most important, he is going to have to split the all-important Hispanic vote. Next he will have to capture as many women’s votes as he can. Third, being a Mormon, he must woo as many Catholic votes as possible. Paul Ryan can only help him here. But the one person who could have helped him in all three categories is the governor of New Mexico, Suzanne Martinez.
You’ll notice I haven’t gotten into the merits of the known vice presidential candidates. After all, this is about winning an election, not judging one’s credentials.


Private Message Reply: 153 - 269
Box A Rox
August 22, 2012, 8:58am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from CICERO

Box, our government invaded Iraq on what you claim was manipulated intelligence.  Hundreds of thousands of people died.  Officials from both parties voted for the use of force.  We have been in Afghanistan for 11 years with tens if not hundreds of thousands of additional deaths and no defined objective.  How do you find honesty in that?  

The US Congress and the rest of America was lied to by a FEW officials of the Bush Administration.  
The majority of the US Govt, IMO, acted responsibly and did what they thought was best for their country.
At the time that G Worst Bush invaded Afghanistan to capture or kill BinLaden... the vast majority of
Americans agreed with that plan.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 154 - 269
August 22, 2012, 9:14am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Box A Rox

The US Congress and the rest of America was lied to by a FEW officials of the Bush Administration.  

Box, there are Senate and House Intelligence Committees.  They all were given the same intelligence.  If you truly believe they were lied to, then you should REALLY be outraged that during the first two years the Obama's Justice Department and the Democrats that controlled the Senate and House didn't prosecute GWB for intentionally deceiving Americans, and costing trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives.

Like you said…You blame Bush for the actions, but blame Obama for the response.  If you really believe your precious Democrats were deceived by the evil Bush and your brothers in the Marine Corps died in an illegal war, then the Democrats that represent you should have demanded justice.  But…They didn’t.  Is that a conspiracy or reality?

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Private Message Reply: 155 - 269
Box A Rox
August 22, 2012, 9:28am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from CICERO

Box, there are Senate and House Intelligence Committees.  They all were given the same intelligence.  If you truly believe they were lied to, they you should REALLY be outraged that during the first two years the Obama's Justice Department and the Democrats that controlled the Senate and House didn't prosecute GWB for intentionally deceiving Americans, and costing trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives.

Like you said…You blame Bush for the actions, but blame Obama for the response.  If you really believe your precious Democrats were deceived by the evil Bush and your brothers in the Marine Corps died in an illegal war, then the Democrats that represent you should have demanded justice.  But…They didn’t.  Is that a conspiracy or reality?

If you read the 'white paper' summary of the Iraq intelligence given to the intelligence committee, you
would see a 'summary' not the raw facts.  Every fact that is reported has a number assigned to it which
depicts it's likely accuracy.  Intelligence reports EVERYTHING... from 'very reliable' with a high number,
to rumors and gossip, which has a very low number.  The Bush administration elevated the data that
agreed with their agenda, and demoted the value of data that didn't.  Remember "curveball"?  He was
known to be unreliable and biased... and so reported to be a low number... which was given to the
intelligence committee as reliable information.  
Bush lied... and yes I consider his actions to be that of a War Criminal.  And yes I do blame Obama for
not prosecuting or at least bringing to light the entire history of that war.

Obama could have spent his first 3 years in office perusing the Bush Administration criminals...  an almost
impossible political task... or he could have spent that energy enacting Obamacare.  I wish he could
have done both, but he barely got Obama care passed... I'm glad he did.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 156 - 269
August 22, 2012, 9:36am Report to Moderator

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Reality is that our intelligence was wrong, flat out wrong, and actions were taken with that wrong intelligence. Do not loose site that the intelligence was not US exclusive...intelligence is a gathering of information from many sources and collaborative countries and agencies...they were wrong, period. I don't think there is anyone that will disagree that it was stupid, orong intelligence. And I feel personally that we should not have gone there based on intelligence alone.
BUT, reality is, GWB chose to invade Iraq BECUASE "HE TRIED TO KILL MY DADDY", and used the WMD as an excuse instead of focusing on the Bin Laden/Afghan front, which in-turn impacted what we were trying to do and should have done...go after OSAMA and AL QUIDA. I think Bush and Cheny both are at fault and there should have been at minimum sanctions against them. And do not ever think that BUSH was the decision maker...he was Cheney's puppet in many ways.

Private Message Reply: 157 - 269
Box A Rox
August 22, 2012, 9:41am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from joebxr
Reality is that our intelligence was wrong, flat out wrong, and actions were taken with that wrong intelligence. Do not loose site that the intelligence was not US exclusive...intelligence is a gathering of information from many sources and collaborative countries and agencies...they were wrong, period. I don't think there is anyone that will disagree that it was stupid, orong intelligence. And I feel personally that we should not have gone there based on intelligence alone.
BUT, reality is, GWB chose to invade Iraq BECUASE "HE TRIED TO KILL MY DADDY", and used the WMD as an excuse instead of focusing on the Bin Laden/Afghan front, which in-turn impacted what we were trying to do and should have done...go after OSAMA and AL QUIDA. I think Bush and Cheny both are at fault and there should have been at minimum sanctions against them. And do not ever think that BUSH was the decision maker...he was Cheney's puppet in many ways.

Much like with Richard Nixon, prosecuting the guilty parties would have taken years and wasn't worth the
political battles that would be necessary.  I do wish that beyond prosecution, that the truth be known.  
As it is, there are some who still today swear that the WMD's were real and the war justified.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 158 - 269
Box A Rox
August 22, 2012, 9:43am Report to Moderator

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Bloomberg notes that since Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) was first elected in 1998, he "hasn't voted against any bills
backed by the National Right to Life Committee. The group gives him a lifetime voting score of 100 percent."

The group scored Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) "at 90 percent support during one of his six terms and
at 100 percent for the rest of his tenure. Akin cosponsored every abortion bill supported by Ryan in the
almost 12 years the two Republicans have served together in Washington."

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 159 - 269
Box A Rox
August 22, 2012, 10:08am Report to Moderator

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Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan is now refusing to explain a bill that he co-sponsored
with Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) that critics say would have redefined rape, providing federal assistance
only to victims of “forcible rape.”

From an interview with John Delano:

~“You sponsored legislation that has the language ‘forcible rape,’” Delano pointed out to Ryan. “What is forcible rape?”
~“Rape is rape,” Ryan replied, shaking his head. “Rape is rape, period. End of story.”

~“So that forcible rape language meant nothing to you at the time?” Delano pressed.
~“Rape is rape and there’s no splitting hairs over rape,” Ryan insisted.

What happened to his "Forcible Rape" legislation???  
Republican bigot Todd Akin is what happened!

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 160 - 269
Box A Rox
August 22, 2012, 10:32am Report to Moderator

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The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 161 - 269
August 22, 2012, 10:55am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Box A Rox

Obama could have spent his first 3 years in office perusing the Bush Administration criminals...  an almost
impossible political task... or he could have spent that energy enacting Obamacare.  I wish he could
have done both, but he barely got Obama care passed... I'm glad he did.

You're kidding me!  That is the weakest argument yet.  The fact that hundreds of thousands of people died and were displaced, you would think lefties like you would be screaming for justice.  But, I guess since they are brown desert people with funny names, the task of mandating health insurace based on promises that Americans can save a few bucks so they can afford to go out to dinner more often or afford a second car, trumped justice for the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis and Americans.

Liberals really care!

It must to have been a HUGE feat to hold the Nuremburg Trails AND pass the GI Bill.  

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Private Message Reply: 162 - 269
August 22, 2012, 11:02am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Box A Rox

Much like with Richard Nixon, prosecuting the guilty parties would have taken years and wasn't worth the
political battles that would be necessary.  I do wish that beyond prosecution, that the truth be known.  
As it is, there are some who still today swear that the WMD's were real and the war justified.

Truth, Justice, and the American Way!!!

Prosecuting what liberals consider mass murderers isn't worth doing because it is politically difficult - really?  You honest believe that is the reason neither party prosecutes the other?  It couldn't be that they are ALL culpable know that they will all be guilty if it was truly and honestly investigated by an independent 3rd party.  Thinking that way would be conspiracy thinking.  I have to believe it was "political battles" not worth having is why nobody is ever investigated and prosecuted.  Yeah right.

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Private Message Reply: 163 - 269
August 22, 2012, 11:08am Report to Moderator

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Your characterization "brown desert people with funny names" I find offensive, and it's American, British, Australian, etc., blood that was shed there. Why do you always have to be this way instead of trying to normalize your statements to be less than offensive, bigoted and conspiratorial. You speak about legitimate debating of topics and then spew this kind of crap and don't understand why a reasonable discusssion can't be held.  i would take you a lot more serious and gladly indlulge your discussion, but not when this is how you carry on. So now go ahead and blast me all you want! I said my peace and IT IS MY OPINION!

Private Message Reply: 164 - 269
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