In 1897, the City of Schenectady developed the first municipal well field utilizing the Great Flats Aquifer (shown in image to the right). The well field consisted of three large diameter circular dug wells. The wells were an impressive 47 feet in diameter and 50 feet deep. This first well field was located along the current Rice Road near NYS Canal Lock 8.
Historic_Wellfield2Today, the City of Schenectady, Village of Scotia, and Towns of Glenville, Niskayuna, and Rotterdam operate six well fields and are permitted by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) to withdraw approximately 65 million gallons of water daily from the aquifer. The City has the largest permitted capacity of 35 million gallons of water daily. It is rare that the municipalities approach their capacity. Instead, on an average day, the combined groundwater withdrawal is approximately 25 million gallons.
Occasionally the municipalities will impose lawn-watering restrictions. Typically, these restrictions are commonly activated because of transmission limitations of the large quantities of water and not because the aquifer cannot meet the demands during dry periods.
Job creation=happy unions=politician re-election. Not to mention increased tax revenue from business/homes being built. Have to feed the pensions. Whens the last time a car wash closed in a drought/water ban?
Job creation=happy unions=politician re-election. Not to mention increased tax revenue from business/homes being built. Have to feed the pensions. Whens the last time a car wash closed in a drought/water ban?
We are allowed by NYS to use 65 million gallons per day and all of Schenectady County hardly every uses half of it.
It is not a supply issue, it is a distribution issue. Wake up.
Development in certain areas strains the ability of the pumps and towers to get the water to the homes with enough pressure.
Upgrading equipment for better distribution would be good but last year your hallowed and perfect democraps decided that that the surplus monies in the districts be raided so that raises, jobs and overtime for police brass (the special interest that provides the so-called Conservative Party line almost universally to the democrap criminals that run the town and county) be funneled to that department.
Apparently this fall they will do it again in combination with a large tax increase because they are unwilling to make the tough choices and are directly beholden to the special interests.
So get used to a broken down water and sewer system al la Schitnecktitty. We are little Schitnecktitty. Beware.
"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."