[b][/b] [color=redThe number of people on disability has nearly tripled since 1992. Anyone unfortunate enough to visit a Social Security office learns fast, social security is really entitlement heaven. IRS fills in the grey areas. Few of the the people in the waiting area are over 65, hell, few are over 40. The jobs created by politicians, Democrat & Republican in new factories all over America is where people acquire disabilities. Sometimes known as workman's compensation. Yes I know some of US are born with a disability, more & more everyday. Saturday I did 'yard sailing'. Yard sailing is what middle class people do to save money, those of US not on disability or the dole. The others get everything handed to them so they do not conserve. I saw a Dr Zhivago Puzzle for sale. I asked the woman selling the puzzle if she knew what it looked like when completed. She did not. I told her it would be the face of Barack Obama. I was joking, sort of. No puzzle to me Tovarish what Barack Obama all about. Dr Zhivago should be the code word for Obamacare. Soon you will hear an expression reminiscent of Five Year Plan. What do you suppose those TARP programs were? As successful as their predecessor the Soviet Five Year Plan. March on, march on mon cher. |