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Obama Care IS Constitutional!
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July 5, 2012, 11:03am Report to Moderator
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That sounds good Box but that's not what the company said it was going to do. They already stated that they will pay the penalty at the end of the year because it will save them millions compared to providing their employees health-care. The retirees were given health-care for life as a way to get the employees to take early retirement.                                                                                                                                                               At the ABC News’ health care forum with the president the next night, the president made a slightly different claim that “if you are happy with your plan, and if you are happy with your doctor, we don’t want you to have to change.”

In the audience was John Sheils, senior vice president of The Lewin Group, a health care policy research and management consulting firm, who estimated that up to 70 percent of those with private insurance would end up on the public plan.  
"There are a whole series of ways that we could design this," the president responded, arguing that employers would be given a "disincentive" to shift their employees to the public plan.                              
Private Message Reply: 165 - 278
July 5, 2012, 8:44pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Shadow
GHW Bush lost his job for breaking his promise of not raising taxes now lets hope we the people do the same to Obama in November.

Agreed ... and anybody else who voted for that tax increase,

George Amedore & Christian Klueg for NYS Senate 2016
Pete Vroman for State Assembly 2016[/size][/color]

"For this is what America is all about. It is the uncrossed desert and the unclimbed ridge. It is the star that is not reached and the harvest that is sleeping in the unplowed ground."
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Private Message Reply: 166 - 278
July 6, 2012, 4:18am Report to Moderator
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It’s a lawyer’s dream!
Officials have already drafted 13,000 pages of new regulations for the new ObamaTax law.

FOX News reported:

With the Supreme Court giving President Obama’s new health care law a green light, federal and state officials are turning to implementation of the law — a lengthy and massive undertaking still in its early stages, but already costing money and expanding the government.

The Health and Human Services Department “was given a billion dollars implementation money,” Republican Rep. Denny Rehberg of Montana said. “That money is gone already on additional bureaucrats and IT programs, computerization for the implementation.”

“Oh boy,” Stan Dorn of the Urban Institute said. “HHS has a huge amount of work to do and the states do, too. There will be new health insurance marketplaces in every state in the country, places you can go online, compare health plans.”

The IRS, Health and Human Services and many other agencies will now write thousands of pages of regulations — an effort well under way:

“There’s already 13,000 pages of regulations, and they’re not even done yet,” Rehberg said.

“It’s a delegation of extensive authority from Congress to the Department of Health and Human Services and a lot of boards and commissions and bureaus throughout the bureaucracy,” Matt Spalding of the Heritage Foundation said. “We counted about 180 or so.”

There has been much focus on the mandate that all Americans obtain health insurance, but analysts say that’s just a small part of the law — covering only a few pages out of the law’s 2700.

“The fact of the matter is the mandate is about two percent of the whole piece of the legislation,” Spalding said. “It’s a minor part.”

Much bigger than the mandate itself are the insurance exchanges that will administer $681 billion in subsidies over 10 years, which will require a lot of new federal workers at the IRS and health department.

“They are asking for several hundred new employees,” Dorn said. “You have rules you need to write and you need lawyers, so there are lots of things you need to do when you are standing up a new enterprise.”..............................>>>>..........................>>>>......................http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....or-new-obamatax-law/
Private Message Reply: 167 - 278
July 6, 2012, 4:38am Report to Moderator
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Republicans pressed to detail plans for replacing ObamaCare if it's repealed
By Jim AnglePublished July 05, 2012FoxNews.com

Republicans have long pledged to repeal and replace the Obama health care law.

Democrats, however, argue Republicans who want to repeal the law also would reverse the law's most popular reforms, sending the United States back to the days when insurance companies were free to drop people's coverage whenever they liked.

"The choice is to go forward or be dragged backwards," Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa said. "It's time for Speaker Boehner and Republicans to put politics behind us, join with us in ensuring that every American has access to quality affordable care, that no person is denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition."  

Republicans say they agree the old system will not work.

"The health care system, the status quo, is unacceptable," Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., who is also a doctor, said. "As a physician, I can tell you it doesn't work for patients. It certainly doesn't work for doctors."  

"I know the system is broken. It needs to be fixed," Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., said. "And there are a lot of ideas that Republicans wanted to throw out when it was initially brought up back in 2009, but we weren't given that opportunity.".......................>>>>......................>>>>.................Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....e-law/#ixzz1zq1UlYMO
Private Message Reply: 168 - 278
July 6, 2012, 5:13am Report to Moderator
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Agreed ... and anybody else who voted for that tax increase,

E-mail Reply: 169 - 278
Box A Rox
July 6, 2012, 5:29am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Shadow
GHW Bush lost his job for breaking his promise of not raising taxes now lets hope we the people do the same to Obama in November.

Agreed ... and anybody else who voted for that tax increase,

Ronny The RayGun raised taxes every year of his administration, and was re-elected for a second term.  
Reagan also had the largest tax increase in the last 40 years.
Bill Clinton raised taxes in '93 and was re-elected for 4 more years.

There is more to leadership than the TeaBagger mantra of "cut taxes".

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 170 - 278
July 6, 2012, 7:02am Report to Moderator
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The difference between Reagan and Clinton is that they were successful in creating jobs and improving the economy and Obama has done nothing but i ncrease the debt.                                                                                                                                                                                         1. The ObamaCare Medical Device Manufacturing Tax

This 2.3 percent tax on medical device makers will raise the price of (for example) every pacemaker, prosthetic limb, stent, and operating table. Can you remind us, Mr. President, how taxing medical devices will reduce the cost of health care? The tax is particularly destructive because it is levied on gross sales and even targets companies who haven’t turned a profit yet.

These are often small, scrappy companies with less than 20 employees who pioneer the next generation of life-prolonging devices. In addition to raising the cost of health care, this $20 billion tax over the next ten years will not help the country’s jobs outlook, as the industry employs nearly 400,000 Americans. Several companies have already responded to the looming tax by cutting research and development budgets and laying off workers.

2. The ObamaCare High Medical Bills Tax

This onerous tax provision will hit Americans facing the highest out-of-pocket medical bills. Currently, Americans are allowed to deduct medical expenses on their 1040 form to the extent the costs exceed 7.5 percent of one’s adjusted gross income.

The new ObamaCare provision will raise that threshold to 10 percent, subjecting patients to a higher tax bill. This tax will hit pre-retirement seniors the hardest. Over the next ten years, affected Americans will pony up a minimum total of $15 billion in taxes thanks to this provision.

3. The ObamaCare Flexible Spending Account Cap

The 24 million Americans who have Flexible Spending Accounts will face a new federally imposed $2,500 annual cap. These pre-tax accounts, which currently have no federal limit, are used to purchase everything from contact lenses to children’s braces. With the cost of braces being as high as $7,200, this tax provision will play an unwelcome role in everyday kitchen-table health care decisions.

The cap will also affect families with special-needs children, whose tuition can be covered using FSA funds. Special-needs tuition can cost up to $14,000 per child per year. This cruel tax provision will limit the options available to such families, all so that the federal government can squeeze an additional $13 billion out of taxpayer pockets over the next ten years.

The targeting of FSAs by President Obama and congressional Democrats is no accident. The progressive left has never been fond of the consumer-driven accounts, which serve as a small roadblock in their long-term drive for a one-size-fits-all government health care bureaucracy.

For further proof, note the ObamaCare “medicine cabinet tax” which since 2011 has barred the 13.5 million Americans with Health Savings Accounts from purchasing over-the-counter medicines with pre-tax funds.

4. The ObamaCare Surtax on Investment Income

Under current law, the capital gains tax rate for all Americans rises from 15 to 20 percent in 2013, while the top dividend rate rises from 15 to 39.6 percent. The new ObamaCare surtax takes the top capital gains rate to 23.8 percent and top dividend rate to 43.4 percent. The tax will take a minimum of $123 billion out of taxpayer pockets over the next ten years.

And, last but not least...

5. The ObamaCare Medicare Payroll Tax increase

This tax soaks employers to the tune of $86 billion over the next ten years.

As you can understand, there is a reason why the authors of ObamaCare wrote the law in such a way that the most brutal tax increases take effect conveniently after the 2012 election.  It’s the same reason President Obama, congressional Democrats, and the mainstream media conveniently neglect to mention these taxes and prefer that you simply “move on” after the Supreme Court ruling.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion.....p;   
Private Message Reply: 171 - 278
July 6, 2012, 7:10am Report to Moderator
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The real question is: if this Health-Care Law is so great why did Obama, Congress and their families exempt themselves from this lawwhile forcing everyone else to comply with it. Is it about health-care or is it about control and power?
Private Message Reply: 172 - 278
Box A Rox
July 6, 2012, 7:23am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Shadow
The real question is: if this Health-Care Law is so great why did Obama, Congress and their families exempt themselves from this lawwhile forcing everyone else to comply with it. Is it about health-care or is it about control and power?

Really Shadow???
Did you really buy into that hoax???

You may be surprised to learn that once the lion’s share of the ACA kicks in on January 1, 2014, not
only are Members of Congress and their staff obligated to play by the same rules as the rest of us,
they will actually be required to follow a more restrictive path to their health insurance than you and I.


The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 173 - 278
July 6, 2012, 7:27am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from Shadow
The real question is: if this Health-Care Law is so great why did Obama, Congress and their families exempt themselves from this lawwhile forcing everyone else to comply with it. Is it about health-care or is it about control and power?

THAT is an essential question to ask.   If it is so great for everyone else - why are 536 people  exempting themselves from participating in something supposedly so great for America.

Bottom line - it is the biggest tax increase in US history that was sold to us by LIES and DECEPTION -- it is full of problematic and stupid regulations (such as penalizing people who have spent their own money and somehow have "too much insurance" for Congress' and the President's taste) and  --- the so-called health care reform has not done anything to reduce health care or insurance costs.  

So - once again - the incumbent President and any member of Congress who voted for A.C.A.  should be voted OUT of office.  No exceptions.  No excuses. No kidding.

George Amedore & Christian Klueg for NYS Senate 2016
Pete Vroman for State Assembly 2016[/size][/color]

"For this is what America is all about. It is the uncrossed desert and the unclimbed ridge. It is the star that is not reached and the harvest that is sleeping in the unplowed ground."
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Private Message Reply: 174 - 278
July 6, 2012, 7:34am Report to Moderator

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THAT is an essential question to ask.   If it is so great for everyone else - why are 536 people  exempting themselves from participating in something supposedly so great for America.

That is not a question for you to ask the rulers.  There must be a very good reason for it.  Probably to protect us from terrorists, or 9/11, or national security, take your pick.

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Private Message Reply: 175 - 278
Box A Rox
July 6, 2012, 7:44am Report to Moderator

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One more time... I know that Conservatives are Hard Headed, and it takes them a while to admit that they are
subjects of Right Wing Propaganda... and they never never ever admit that they fell for a Hoax...

Q: Does the health care bill specifically exempt members of Congress and their
staffs from its provisions?

A: No. This twisted claim is based on misrepresentations of the House
and Senate bills, neither of which exempts lawmakers.


Since this is such a popular Conservative talking point... I doubt that knowing the FACTS will stop them from
spreading this so juicy  Right Wing LIE!

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 176 - 278
Box A Rox
July 6, 2012, 8:03am Report to Moderator

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Obama Care... The Middle Class TAX CUT

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral
philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

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Private Message Reply: 177 - 278
July 6, 2012, 8:03am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from Box A Rox

Really Shadow???
Did you really buy into that hoax???

You may be surprised to learn that once the lion’s share of the ACA kicks in on January 1, 2014, not
only are Members of Congress and their staff obligated to play by the same rules as the rest of us,
they will actually be required to follow a more restrictive path to their health insurance than you and I.


the fruit at the top of the tree will always be for these.....crumbs from the kings table for the rest....

but...rest assured that the 'at least' was provided to the plebs.....it will be the same system with restrictions built into
it....and one big component will be 'preventative medicine'...ie: the 40oz etc....

if businesses are already allowed(FORCED) to delve into their contractors healthcare package under the guise of
'fraud prevention or no contract for you'...what makes you think little 'at leasts' don't get legislated?
ie: if your business sells 40oz sugary drinks the national healthcare will not be allowed to operate at your business and
your employees must sign to the awares of their 'penalty'.....

I'm sure you understand what I am saying......ie: seat belts...saves lives and makes vegetables at the same time

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 178 - 278
July 6, 2012, 8:54am Report to Moderator
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The new health care law exempts the president from having to participate in it. Leadership and committee staffers in the House and Senate who wrote the bill are exempted as well. A weasel-worded definition of “staff” includes only the members’ personal staff in the new system; the committee staff that drafted the legislation opted themselves out. Because they were more familiar with the contents of the law than anyone in the country, it says a lot that they carved out their own special loophole. Anyway, the law is intended to affect “ordinary Americans,” according to Vice President Joe Biden (who - being a heartbeat away from the presidency - also is not covered), not Washington insiders. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/mar/23/obamacare-for-everyone-but-obama/
Private Message Reply: 179 - 278
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