Ron Cannestrari retires, forty years too late for the tax payers of New York State. I heard Fred Dicker on AM1300 talking about Ron. One of the first things Fred mentioned was the constituents services many 'law makers' offer. This fits with Ron's concept of government, a logical extension of the social progressive mentality.
Being a social progressive does not sound like anything bad, it sounds nice. When the bills come in (taxes) it is not so nice & when you get told which personal habits (smoking, sugar - fat intake) you are to govern in accordance with the social progressive agenda then it is not so nice.
Think about it; Since the likes of Ron Cannestrari (D), Jack McEneny (D), Roy McDonald ®, Joe Bruno ® graced the halls of the NYS government, what do we have to show for it? High taxes, crumbling infrastructure, Global Foundries (hiring people from outside the US, not local 'tech' grads), restrictive laws that are for our own good, regulations that drive industry (jobs) from NYS & unfunded mandates that are bankrupting county governments.
A states prosperity is a small price to pay for constituents service. By doing due diligence in the performance of constituents service the need to govern responsibly is removed. Enjoy your retirement Ron, Jack, Joe & Roy - soon. We 'the people' will pay for it for generations.