There's tons of trash dumped behind Dom's Barber Shop, down into the ravine. It's clear, by looking at it from the Price Chopper lot that it was dumped between the barber shop and the house, but closer to the shop. I believe Cafarelli owns both properties, but I'm not sure. Dom's been seen in the house, so I'm assuming he still owns both.
This trash is a disgrace - and it's not the only area. A few houses down Helderberg there's more coming down the ravine. This isn't new stuff, it's been accumulating for years, yet the town (which erected a "No Dumping" sign, hasn't done anything.
It's even worse behind Roscello's plumbing on Altamont.
TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION & CLASS ASSESSMENT EXEMPTION CODE------------------COUNTY--------TOWN------SCHOOL CURRENT OWNERS NAME SCHOOL DISTRICT LAND TAX DESCRIPTION TAXABLE VALUE CURRENT OWNERS ADDRESS PARCEL SIZE/GRID COORD TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS ACCOUNT NO. ******************************************************************************************************* 59.9-2-9.1 ***************** 1842 Helderberg Ave HOMESTEAD PARCEL 59.9-2-9.1 210 1 Family Res OV65-ALL 41800 82,500 82,500 82,500 Cafarelli Dominick A Mohonasen Cntrl 422803 9,600 STAR EN 41834 0 0 60,100 Cafarelli Dominic R,g2,2sty,add 165,000 COUNTY TAXABLE VALUE 82,500 1842 Helderberg Ave Ham - 415,416 TOWN TAXABLE VALUE 82,500 Schenectady, NY 12306 2.-175-23 SCHOOL TAXABLE VALUE 22,400 ACRES 0.18 CL100 Consol light 165,000 TO EAST-0600880 NRTH-1013590 CW500 Water dist .00 SU M DEED BOOK 1770 PG-286 165,000 TO M 1.00 UN M FULL MARKET VALUE 165,000 FD200 Fire dist 2 165,000 TO SW200 Sewer dist 2 1.00 UN M TAG01 Tag01 (flag only) .00 SU M 20.06 UN M ******************************************************************************************************* 59.9-2-9.2 ***************** 1846 Helderberg Ave NON-HOMESTEAD PARCEL 59.9-2-9.2 484 1 use sm bld COUNTY TAXABLE VALUE 70,000 Cafarelli Dominick A Mohonasen Cntrl 422803 12,700 TOWN TAXABLE VALUE 70,000 Cafarelli Dominic Merc(brbshp) 70,000 SCHOOL TAXABLE VALUE 70,000 1842 Helderberg Ave Ham - 417 CL100 Consol light 70,000 TO Schenectady, NY 12306 2.-175-24 CW500 Water dist 25.00 SU M ACRES 0.09 70,000 TO M .00 UN M EAST-0600880 NRTH-1013590 FD200 Fire dist 2 70,000 TO DEED BOOK 1770 PG-286 SW200 Sewer dist 2 1.00 UN M FULL MARKET VALUE 70,000