You've never had a problem, it's the rest of us that do You know a better way for anything and everything, we are the ones that know nothing Your way is the only way, everyone else is wrong You can do as you please and judge others but are irrate when you are judged for your errors and stupidity You claim a religious following and act as an atheist You deny fault or error and claim successes that you have nothing to do with You proclaim to speak for all and can't speak for anyone You complain and moan for the treatment you receive when you are the one that began such treatment to others (including me) You claim expertise in everything and anything that exists on this green earth but have proved only that Google is our friend You are a product of being bullied in school and find cyberspace as your warm and fuzzy safe haven You are a total CRYBABY who will not confornt any of us face-to-face, becuase that is what pathetic people like you do You utilize alter egos but vehemently deny it....multiple personalities (see a Dr for treatment) You are considered by many on this forum as stupid and moronic.....with each post you remove any doubt
I will stop there and allow others to chime in, as I am sure the list can grow quite large real quick here............ |