[/b]I head south. A place where 'men are men', unincorporated areas exist ([b]men are men & women wear short skirts) & I have the right to carry a concealed weapon - legally.
You do not live in such a place.
I go to a place where electric aka utility bills do not bury me.
You do not live in such a place.
I go to a place where transient skum buckets are dealt with quickly.
You do not live in such a place.
I go to a place where if you do not have proper ID (even an Anglo WASP - rich pig) you will be answering some questions.
You do not live in such a place.
You have a lot to be thankful for, so freeze your buns off, pay high overhead for the privilege & keep writing those clever little vinets that are as meaningless as your vote.
Stay warm in your little corner of hell.
Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven - right?
Sail on ship of fools.