[color=red][/coloI feel sorry for the working stiff in NY City who's life is being turned upside down by occupy people.
I feel nothing for Bloomberg. He was too busy telling people about salt, sugar, fat & nicotine to see the coming storm.
Like Mayor Jennings in Albany, they will be judged by their handling of the mob. Both mayors let it go too far, too long. Both mayors gained the 'world' but lost thier souls.
Some people have grand finale's that seem to 'judge' them, Medal Of Honor winners, hero's, politicians, etc. but in reality as we cruise thru life we encounter 'checkpoints' of life, how we deal with these situations is what we be judged by. They are the building blocks we stand on before God.
Bloomberg played the PC game, Jennings kicks the can down the road, chickens coming home to roost. Neither man demonstrated leadership qualities.
They are just what the voter deserves.
PS Lord Mountjoy, Paladin of QE-I was sent to Ireland to keep the peace. Lord Montjoy invoked 'peace of the grave'. Sometimes force is necessary, when applied it must be without mercy or consideration. It is an imperfect world we live & imperfect means must be applied to maintain 'law & order'. Mountjoy Prison in Dublin was named after his lordship. If the forces of anarchy (orderly disorder) get the upper hand there will be a million Kent States & Gitmo's. Have no sympathy on the bums on the streets, they are an instrument of our demise.
Be it Christian scripture or Hindu text, they all say the same, "what you do, do swiftly". They were not referring to cleaning up your house or maybe they were.r]