Once the 2012 election is history & the stupidity of the voter is codified the reinvention of America will begin in earnest.
O'Bama will remain president, both houses will see a Democrat majority. Republicans who hang on will 'go along to get along' like they do in New York State. In many ways NYS is a model for what awaits America.
The indoctrination process will go forth full bore. "The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world".
The Stars & Stripes will be replaced by a new flag. The rainbow is an obvious choice but I see a black a circle, a white circle behind that on a red background. Not exactly the swastika flag but close enough.
We live in a nation where grown 'men' think it is OK to hang out in showers with little boys. We are beyond being fools. The fate of a fool awaits US..
In towns like Rotterdam, cities like Albany & at every county level we see public safety/uniformed personnel out in force to mold budgets to their benefit.
One of the great fears in Europe today is the collapse of the 'common market' or whatever we call it today & the rise of nationalism. being a nationalist is OK but overt nationalism is something else. Like fascism, it can face east or west, socialist or national socialist, LEFT or RIGHT. Stalin was every bit as much a fascist as Hitler but Stalin was our fascist..
NYS is not only a model for what America (soon to be renamed) will become but the world. The Nazi model is too obvious. The Soviet model was a failure. NYS is a financial failure thanks to the excess of government at every level.
Uniformed 'public saftey' personnel (unions) are today's Brown Shirts.
These are people who do not believe in American values, they just wear the patches on their arms. It is for show, their hearts are elsewhere. They live in a land of the big ME.
The 'Jew thing' that existed in the Reich is rearing it ugly head here. The fate of the Jew is not the end game, it is a symptom.
As a student of history I get to sick back & watch the decline. At 64 I do not have to pick up the pieces.
PS The swastika is an ancient symbol hijacked by the Nazi's, it is symbolic of the sun. It is 'Aryan' but can be found much in use in MEXICO.