Of course the NNN people like Yossi DON'T want progressive change. We need a competent man or woman in that office and Mr. Surprise was given a raw deal by the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight. Time to get back a professional and Reunite Rotterdam. Harry Buffardi will overlook party affiliation to do that.
Message to Yossi: "Learn to work together or shut up, please."
Harry Buffardi will overlook party affiliation to do that.
that's if he gets elected......the rpd aren't jumpin' for joy for this guy. just sayin' cause that's what folks are-a-hearin'
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
Stuff it Gertie. It's the Reps who are lone wolves. Surprise was an embarrassment. Perhaps you should speak to his colleagues in the Capital Region. He has no confidence due to his incompetence and shoddy work ethic,
There have been many discussions with the previous assessor regarding his mistakes, yet all in all the man was railroaded by the current conspiracy of DelGallo/Godlewski etc al. Bringing back someone knowledgeable to do the work of the resident is not out of the question, but for the Nattering Naybobs of Negativity, there never seems to any room for compromise. Certainly the Macejkas are nice people and need to be taken care of, yet their alliance with those who cannot be mentioned will not be forgotten by those who have the resident's best interest at heart. All bets are off as to what should and will happen when we REUNITE ROTTERDAM on January One, 2012.
Wow. Greasemer better dust off the resume. No one in TH is thicker with God and FDG than Mike Greasmer.
And Bob God hates Macejkas so you may be talking thru a personal vendetta Gert. Does HB know you are making personel decisions on the blog? Be careful you don't hurt Harry. Jmho
ROTTERDAM TOWN BOARD SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 AGENDA 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SUPERVISOR’S REPORT PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR FOR PERSONNEL AGENDA ITEMS PERSONNEL: Res. No. 249.11 Authorize the Supervisor to allow for payment to Patrick Aragosa for consulting services effective September 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 at an hourly rate of $50.00 per hour, not to exceed $3,900.00.
resolution passed
PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR FOR AGENDA ITEMS Res. No 250.11 Refer to Planning Commission for report and recommendation thereon a proposed Local Law of the Year 2011 for the following purpose: To allow for a Change of Zone request from G. B. Northeast 2, LLC (Contract Vendee) for property located at 1,7,9, Lawndale Avenue and 950 Curry Road and is known as Tax Parcel Nos. 58.7-3-15, 58.7-3-16, 58.7-3-17, and 58.7-3-31 respectively in Rotterdam, New York. The applicant is requesting a Change of Zone from Single- Family Residential (R-1) to Retail Business (B-1) to facilitate a proposed CVS Pharmacy.
resolution - tabled
251.11 Call for public hearing to be held on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the John F. Kirvin Government Center, Town Hall, 1100 Sunrise Boulevard, Rotterdam, New York 12306 for the following purpose: Request by National Grid to allow for a direct bore gas transmission line to replace a damaged gas line that spanned the Mohawk River at Lock #9 for property located at 1000 Main Street in Rotterdam Junction, New York, 12150.
resolution passed
252.11 Authorize the Supervisor to execute out of district sewer agreement with Zelindo Viscusi, 1952 Curry Road, Schenectady, New York 12306 for the project known as “Curry Brook Apartments – 2, 8-unit buildings.”
resolution passed
attempt by Mr Godlewski to bring the Larnard Sewer District to a vote reason - the kids wont have fields in the spring later we heard that Mr Larnard doesn't want to pay to dump his Sh!t if he builds the system
more later
CONSENT ITEMS: Res. No 253.11 Accept Town Clerk’s report for the month of August 2011. 254.11 Budget transfers by the Town Comptroller to various accounts.
resolution passed
Greismer on the hot seat for not attending board/agenda meetings to answer board member questions
Talking to each other is better than talking about each other