SPECIAL ROTTERDAM TOWN BOARD AUGUST 29, 2011 AGENDA 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SUPERVISOR’S REPORT PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR FOR PERSONNEL AGENDA ITEMS PERSONNEL: Res. No. 243.11 Amend Resolution N0.167.11 adopted on April 27, 2011 to reinstate Nancie Askew of Rotterdam, New York to the position of Senior Typist, temporary full-time, with no employee benefits at an hourly rate of $17.95 per hour to reflect the end date of December 31, 2011. 244.11 Amend Resolution No. 17.11 adopted on January 1, 2011 to appoint John Macejka, Jr. as Part-Time Assessor for the Town of Rotterdam, effective January 1, 2011, with no employee benefits to reflect the term of his appointment to conclude September 30, 2013. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR FOR AGENDA ITEMS Res. No 245.10 Adopt and authorize the Supervisor to sign Negative Declaration dated August 29, 2011 to repeal, in its entirety Article XXVIII to sections §270-220 through 270-224 of Chapter 270 of the Code of the Town of Rotterdam entitled “Critical Impact Uses and Critical Impact Permits”. 246.11 Adopt Local Law No. Nine (9) of the Year 2011 for the following purpose: To repeal, in its entirety, Article XXVIII of the Rotterdam Zoning Code (Sections 270-220 through 270-224) entitled “Critical Impact Uses and Critical Impact Permits”. Public Hearing called for at Town Board meeting of July 13, 2011. Public Hearing held at Town Board meeting of August 10, 2011. 247.11 Amend Resolution No. 224.11 adopted on July 13, 2011 to adopt standard work day for appointed officials for the purpose of determining days worked reportable to the New York State and Local Employees’ Retirement System to reflect the proper end date of John Macejka, Jr. as September 30, 2013 and reflect the Days/Month as N/A. 248.11 Authorize the Town Board of the Town of Rotterdam to accept a Resolution to establish the Ratio of Homestead and non-Homestead base proportions. CONSENT ITEMS: Res. No NONE DISCUSSION ITEMS COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC COMMENT PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR (Per Resolution No. 444.06) G General Rules of Procedure for Public Hearings & Privilege of the Floor: Each speaker will state his/her name and address for the record. To ensure each attendee has an equal and reasonable opportunity to address their concerns, he/she is afforded a maximum of four (4) minutes to address the Town Board. MISCELLANEOUS ADJOURNMENT FRANCIS DEL GALLO, Supervisor |