Not a joking matter Mary. Kelly has a history of violence. Anyone who smacks around their own mother has issues. It is well documented that her anger issues have often got the best of her. Not afraid but aware.....
Gee Tony it sounds like you know her better than I do.....however; she scares you much more than she scares me!
"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
I've said it before and I'll say it again. KR may not be the most conventional person, but knows more about the system then anyone else. As far as being's a 'just anger'. I have heard many many times that she is good hearted and would do anything for anyone if asked. And I'm sure that she would never leave someone cause they were sick. It's just not her.
The girl knows her stuff and ya can't take that away from her.
Putting that sounds like rotterdam will be having another heluva town board meeting again!! pass the popcorn!
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
Gee Tony it sounds like you know her better than I do.....however; she scares you much more than she scares me! tj hooker rotterdam's ASSessor now?
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
Police personel present durring the meeting to protect us
45 min on personel
Where we heard FDG say "that person you are talking about is sitting in the corner doing nothing" To which Nicki replies -" do not put words in my mouth"
the public hearings were uneventful
Followed by Bill Cooke and FDG grandstanding at public comment on the upcoming budget and the 2 percent tax cap
We are gonna cut services
The million dollars spent by the highway on lawn and leaf pickup
Health insurance costs are way up last year
FDG on the budget "I know we can cure that problem"
Have to depart for work out of town at 5am the next two days so the full notes will not be up til this sat noon
Special meeting for aug 29th
Talking to each other is better than talking about each other
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ if this is hard to read - it was even harder to document @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
About 20 present
Pastor tony - honors 30 men lost over seas
Supervisors report I have nothing to report
Public comment on personnel resolutions Mr malizanski - 231.11 to increase the salary for the town clerk - we would like to see her efforts rewarded
231.11 Increase the salary of Michelle Gannon of Rotterdam, New York as the acting Town Clerk, full-time, with full employee benefits, to the Town Clerk salary of $50,350.00, retroactive from August 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.Michele reads her resolution Bob - before we move forward on 232.11 - I have suggestion - as this position was cut FDG - 6000 saved by Eunice resigning and judge Litz has a way to move the cash
Bob - there is 17,000 left on the former town clerks line and the registrar of vital stats 12k to take care of Ms Askew’s $$$
Nicki - let's go with the original plan We had Ms Askew come back as another employee at the courts has to leave for medical reasons Take an existing town employee Cindy Dumar - we would not have to spend an extra cent Ms Askew - does a great job
Wayne - spoke with comptroller - the issue is with retirement The comptroller could get the 6K to cover the rest of the year This is vacation season and anyone sent there would struggle
Nicki - we need to save every penny we can move the DPW employee FDG -What is this $19,0000 Does she get 17000??? She will be getting $6000 more not $19000 As far as the judge is concerned things run well over there They pay their own pay if you take a look at the tickets – this is the only dept that makes money
Nicki - this is a move of a salary from one dept to another Wayne - this discussion should have happen at the agenda meeting Bob - just for clarification - Michele will get the remaining salary in the town clerks line? Vote on the resolution - All yes
Amend Resolution N0.167.11 adopted on April 27, 2011 to reinstate Nancie Askew of Rotterdam, New York to the position of Senior Typist, temporary full-time, with no employee benefits at an hourly rate of $17.95 per hour to reflect the end date of December 31, 2011. Discussion continues from last resolution on this subject - Matt I will only vote if we do not exceed the justice budget Bob - the 6000 is only half the amount Wayne - the difference between and working every day is 6000. - they have enough to get her thru November Nicki - We are willing to beg borrow and steal to spend 6000 Matt - the smart thing to do would be to move the employee and keep Ms Askew on and train the employee Nicki -It is crazy to spend this money Bob - are we having a special meeting on aug 24th Nicki - I not happy spending another penny Frank - excuse me !!! Wayne - we have to pay her to aug 24th Nicki - do what we originally planed Bob the issue is the only person who can make the move is the supervisor Nicki - what would we have done if the person did not get sick Bob- the sick person went out on unpaid sick leave - thus we had the cash I want to see budget lines Fdg - let them have the girl to the 24th, The judge said the agreement was for the end of the year
############### RPD Sargent walks in - We now have police protection ###############
Matt - what changes in 4months - we will be in the same position Bob - we have a full time position that needs to be budgeted We won't see that until the end of September
Nicki - we had a plan in last November Why are we fighting FDG - that person you are talking about is sitting in the corner doing nothing Nicki - do not put words in my mouth FDG -You spent 100,000 on ALS money you didn't have Michele - cut off by the supervisor Bob - amend this resolution to reflect aug 24 cutoff date and have the judges come in and speak to us on the 24th Motion to amend Bob - yes Nicki - no Martin - yes Wayne - yes Fdg – yes Amend Resolution No. 17.11 adopted on January 1, 2011 to appoint John Macejka, Jr. as Part-Time Assessor for the Town of Rotterdam, effective January 1, 2011, with no employee benefits to reflect the term of his appointment to conclude September 30, 2013. Long delay for a second
????? - I do not want to commit to 2013 as a part time position. This was to be for a year and then we will review this issue Let's table this until aug 24th
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TIME CHECK ----7:45pm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Nicki - this was supposed to be a one year trial
wayne - I was on the board about 1hr when I voted on this I have no objection I have a problem with our attorneys they did not supply the whole law to me
Nicki - this has nothing to do with the employee it has to do with the position, The issue is the info given to us was wrong Now we have a part-time possessor, the law states the part time assessor is to 2013
Fdg - he is part time to save money Nobody is complaining. - he doing a good job Nicki – this has nothing to with the person Attoney - the law says for the balance of the term Fdg - we can't all be talking at once Table this resolution. - Matt include words to keep our options open
234.11 Accept the resignation from Sara Kate Smith as full-time Dispatcher with the Rotterdam Police Department, effective August 8, 2011 All yes
235.11 Upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police, appoint Sara Kate Smith of Rotterdam, New York, to the position of Dispatcher, part-time, with no employee benefits, at an hourly rate of $12.00, effective August 9, 2011 Nicki - I asked why she is going from full to part time - I would like to add there will not be another position open All yes
Public hearings A Request by Theresa Nowicki to allow the conversion of the former 4,072 square foot First Methodist Church into an antique shop and offices on a 29,983 square foot parcel of property located in the Aquifer Overlay Zone located at 1234 Main Street in Rotterdam Junction, New York. No one speaks
B Consider the Petition and Map, Plan and Report duly filed by William Larned and Sons, Inc. and Maria Esposito as property owners pursuant to NYS Town Law Article 12 for creation of a new sewer district to be located in the Town of Rotterdam to be comprised solely of properties known as SBL #48.09-2-9, SBL #48.09-2-10 and SBL #48-4-4.11 in the vicinity of North Thompson Street and Burdeck Street. The maximum amount to be expended by the Town for the new district is 0 dollars ($0.00). Andy brick - 0 dollars This plan covers the old Republician club and merkins pit We are in discussing with the town to add other properties so we do the right thing If the district is to be expanded Bob - can we extend the public hearing to the 24th Nicki can we change the special meeting and my vacation is paid for We need. 7 days for next week but if you don't repeal the critical impact law Bob - did the planning commission. Mr brick. - 7-0 - repeal the critical impact
Back to the sewers
Wayne - will there be a pump station or will be gravity feed Is there any way to encompass future growth
Donald zee - we conformed to a plan that was designed 8 years ago Mr larnard proposed a plan that mirror the town plan After we did this at the last minute we were told someone in the town did not like it
Mr malizinski - comment about sewer expansions. And there is a capacity limit at the waste water treatment plant I don't know what the capacity is but you need to be mindful
Bob - the info is in the plan
Wayne - DEC needs to approve the expansion
Donald Zee - it is in our report when a project is. Reserved In 1986 - DEC required that the town set aside. 100000 gallons a day And there is additional excess capacity
Ron Severson - there may be a costs to the town on the flip side there is a cost to the town that is lost due to being cheap!
C To repeal, in its entirety, Article XXVIII of the Rotterdam Zoning Code (Sections 270- 220 through 270-224) entitled “Critical Impact Uses and Critical Impact Permits”.
Donald Zee Public hearing to follow if the critical impact law is not repealed I know the town has never used it for Rail-ex, Golub, Long pond And no one used the law And I'm concerned as to who is the consultant is If you do not pass the repeal please put me on the agenda for the public hearing for the critical impact
Ron severson - the resolution should be labeled "let's stop walmart" - it was bad for our town then - please repeal the critical impact law
Mr malazinski - had this legislation not been in place but it prevent a non conforming use and it did serve a useful function for the town
Andy brick – Peter C(town planner) express a concern as to where in the SEQRA process the critical impact goes Public Comment on agenda items Jacki obien - President - of the rotterdam softball On the $3400 - we were told it was approved and went ahead with the repair
Motion to amend 233 to the 29th
236.11 Amend Resolution No. 224.11 adopted on July 13, 2011 to adopt standard work day for appointed officials for the purpose of determining days worked reportable to the New York State and Local Employees’ Retirement System to reflect the proper end date of John Macejka, Jr. as September 30, 2013 and reflect the Days/Month as N/A. tabled Bob - I hope that section 2 is fixed by the 29th
237.11 Allowance for Theresa Nowicki to convert a former 4,072 square foot Methodist Church into an antique shop and offices on a 29,983 square foot parcel of property located in the Aquifer Overlay Zone located at 1234 Main Street in Rotterdam Junction, New York. passed
238.11 The Town Board of the Town of Rotterdam hereby authorizes the appropriation of Park Land Fees in the amount of $3,400.00 and hereby modifies the General Fund Budget by increasing Estimated Revenues (A510) and the revenue account entitled “Parkland Fees” (A2001.200100) by $3,400.00, and increasing Appropriations (A960) and the subsidiary account entitled “Parks Improvements” (A7110.4153 by $3,400.00). discussion that this is in a protected acct - ??? Passed
239.11 A resolution, subject to permissive referendum, authorizing the conveyance of a parcel of land consisting of .02 acres on Wedgewood Avenue to Schworm Enterprises Inc. in consideration of the sum of $500.00. - passed
CONSENT ITEMS: Res. No 240.11 Authorize gasoline expenditures from April 1, 2011 through and including June 30, 2011 to be transferred into various accounts. 241.11 Accept Town Clerk’s Report for the month of July 2011. 242.11 Budget transfers by the Town Comptroller to various accounts. - passed
Motion to amend resolution 232 to the 29th 4 yes Nicki - no Special meeting - 29th of august at 5pm
Matt’s Senior Moment 55 alive oct 17,18 12/14 per person The brass rail is open
Community fun day - by Ron Severson Success Fdg won a tophat and an eggplant 100 attended We raised $$$ for the town parks I would thank Pac 357 Opportunities’ for youth FDG - Ron you did a great job
Bob - County leg meeting - where are we on central dispatch -we have to get ready for our budget if glenville does not participate - we passed a resolution but no agreement it is not signed
Wayne We lost a few friend this last month Joe dominelli Mike kirvin Condolences to their family’s
Public comment Bill Cooke - I have been reading the property tax cap – where do we stand on next years budget FDG - 1.7million will only work if we cut services I will meet with the head of departments and see where we are Our salt money is all gone You don't order your in the middle of winter - I said to rick folwer
more than 3/4 of the gasoline budget is gone police used 80% Highway is the same Something has to go Have you looked at revenue 1.3million in the fund balance We need 1.6 to survive Police pension at 256,000 to and the chief wants to see it at 300,000 1percent raise is 100,000 We need 360,000 for health insurance as it is up up Wayne -Can a board member see the finances Has shared service entered discussions HAMBERG ST reconstruction is moved out 2years Bob - nothing says the 5 towns can bid out legal services Wayne - have we talked to the county about shared services - I believe the county should be involved FDG - Anything that is petroleum based is at issue Leaf and brush pick up is costing us - 1million
FDH -"I know we can cure that problem" On the budget
9:30 out
Talking to each other is better than talking about each other
Thanks for the update but is TJ Hooker really pastor Tony? Is he a minister now or does he just get to stand up and read prayers?
"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
I thought that is what all of this micromanaging "cross-training" was for, so people could be moved from department to department without interruption. So now we really see that this was not "cross-training" but more of an ego trip. Good work Hitler and Napoleon....
Why are they planning on having a special meeting on a Monday at 5 PM? Wouldn't this be something that should at least be on the same day of the week as normal meetings? Also, how many people from the public can make it to a meeting at that time, especially if they actually have to work to pay the taxes in this town? And if the Town Board meeting is going to be at the time when they normally have the meeting to set an agenda for said meeting, when will the meeting to actually set the agenda be?