RACISM=MSLSD; Thursday, 7/14 MSNBC(LSD) had a 'distinguished' panel of African-Americans talking about the budget debate in DC. Reducing the size of government is "code talk" for denying African-Americans employment. Racism!!! The government is the biggest employer of black males. 20% of male government workforce are black. The numbers may have been massaged! Given the incompetence of government & the rampant waste if I were black I would not brag about my people's involvement in government. Much of upstate New York's local government is redundant, bloated, a patronage dumping ground & the vast number of government workers in the upstate are WHITE. Maybe we need more black males in the upstate local government workforce. MSLSD is an extension of the DNC, they do not even pretend to be objective. MSLSD's efforts to increase the race divide in America is obscene. The budget debate in DC is a delicate dance by Democrats & Republicans in order to maintain the status quo. The rhetoric like political polls is meant to bend public opinion in a direction. If a person believes the only way to make it in America is to work for the government then the 'American dream' is dead. Who killed the dream is up for debate. Former Governor Eliot Spitzer 'lost' his show on CNN because he tended to be 'fair & balanced', his brain overcame his liberal inclinations. Logic won out. The media, network or cable is biased to the extreme, they are contributing to the demise of America. MSLSD should wash it's mouth out with soap, FOX should stop interviewing potential Republican candidates & CNN should bring Spitzer back. Till then, believe little you here on these cable babble shows. |