The WWII British propaganda movie 49th Parallel 1940 (Invaders, American release 1941) demonstrates how far America & Canada have come down the road of democracy. The plot of the 49th Parallel is Nazi U Boat crew shipwrecked on Canadian coast trek toward America (Niagara Falls). America & diplomatic immunity being the goal. Along the way they encounter North America middle class values. AKA middle class Canadians & Americans. Native Americans included.
In every generation the enemies of America (democracy) are seeking diplomatic immunity. In the movie, good - democracy prevails. In the real world this does not always occur. Raymond Massey (Canadian actor) has an encounter with Nazi U Boat Commander. The Canadian tells the Nazi, before he puts his lights out, in a democracy I - the little guy has a right to complain, about the government.
The perception of democracy has changed greatly. Free speech has been replaced by politically correct speech. The definition of marriage has been changed. People who do not produce have an entitlement to the good life. The meaning of separation of powers changes every four years. Criminals have rights, after all they are victims or 'freedom fighters' in the class struggle. Best for last; A New York State Senator says the Tea Party is dangerous. Aside from the occasional flake in every organization (left seems to have more) the Tea Party is exercising the same right the Canadian, Raymond Massey was speaking about.
In America today an illegal alien who rapes & murders a 16 year old American girl has rights & the best defense the left can provide. The president & secretary of state speak up for the murder. Canadian laws on freedom of speech & the right to address grievance are more restrictive than ours. The Nazi U Boat commander would feel right at hone in Canada & America in 2011.
Maybe the Tea Party is not the answer & the Republicans are ill equip to sort out America but that which the left, the Democrats provide is as alien to our democracy as little green men.
If there really is a "deep end"... I think Ira just stepped off of it!
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith