I think what senders is saying here.....and I could be wrong.......once you let the government 'in'....then the government rules! Such as the example about the woman and her 5 kids, by different daddy's. She is on 'government assistance'. So the government then has the right to tell her......NO MORE KIDS!! In essence....that woman and her kids are now government property.
Same with elder care/end of life......if the government is providing the money/care, then the government guidelines apply.
Correct me senders if I'm not reading you correctly.
When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.” Adolph Hitler
The government is already in place. The rule of law is to protect the weak from the strong. The people empower the government to uphold the social contract. We don't allow honor killings that are culturally acceptable in some parts of the world because our society deems it unacceptable. Not saying 50 or 100 years from now, we may allow it, but as for now we don't. Suicide is illegal in the U.S. right now, but there is a push to allow mercy killings or assisted suicide by the hands of doctors. May have sounded crazy 50 years ago, but I believe assisted suicide will be legalized in my lifetime. And I believe the elderly will be assisted by deeming their quality of life isn't worth living, and as a society, we will justify this with each other and it will become normalized. Over time, the elderly will be convinced to take their own lives for sake of not being a burden on the family. The same logic women uses to ease the pain of the abortion. It will be taught in public schools as humane, and written in text books how prior generation allowed our sick and elderly to suffer to a horrible death. They will believe they are enlightened and progressive, just like the pro abortion people truly believe they have progressed. This is the world our children will be taught to be the norm, and the sanctity of life that the prior generation believed will become old fashioned and barbaric.
We are entering a new age of America, where life in liberty can be taken away for the sake of saving money.
The government is already in place. The rule of law is to protect the weak from the strong. The people empower the government to uphold the social contract. We don't allow honor killings that are culturally acceptable in some parts of the world because our society deems it unacceptable. Not saying 50 or 100 years from now, we may allow it, but as for now we don't. Suicide is illegal in the U.S. right now, but there is a push to allow mercy killings or assisted suicide by the hands of doctors. May have sounded crazy 50 years ago, but I believe assisted suicide will be legalized in my lifetime. And I believe the elderly will be assisted by deeming their quality of life isn't worth living, and as a society, we will justify this with each other and it will become normalized. Over time, the elderly will be convinced to take their own lives for sake of not being a burden on the family. The same logic women uses to ease the pain of the abortion. It will be taught in public schools as humane, and written in text books how prior generation allowed our sick and elderly to suffer to a horrible death. They will believe they are enlightened and progressive, just like the pro abortion people truly believe they have progressed. This is the world our children will be taught to be the norm, and the sanctity of life that the prior generation believed will become old fashioned and barbaric.
We are entering a new age of America, where life in liberty can be taken away for the sake of saving money.
Do you remember the study about Conservatives having an overdeveloped part of the brain that senses FEAR??? Here is a great example of it manifesting FEAR in all it's glory!
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith
the only thing I fear is the government role in deciding who is weak....I'm sure if you or anyone on this board observes something that is out of the ordinary we would act....but, unfortunately the government has been elevated to the extent that the masses have been beaten down with the government rhetoric of "you are weak and we will do it for you"....remember Hillary's village....yes, in a sense it does take a village but with legal beagals usurping our ability to act with ambiguous laws that at anytime can claim that YOU were negligent because you did not have a bike helmet on your child it gets cumbersome to act...
the left removed the sense of self from everyone and made it into a weak commune and the right just cares about control via guilt....I'm all for saving lives but not at the expense of the government drawn lines....again it comes down to
what is rich what is weak what is strong
all subjective in the big picture......
I think we are more than what the government labels us.....we need to get back in the saddle and do what we could always do.....ACT....
if someone came to me to talk about abortion because they were contemplating it, it would then become my responsibility as I looked into their eyes to have an honest and open conversation with them, because THEY asked......I'm not going to chase them down and beat them over the head about how bad/good it is....they will live with the choice regardless.....same for proxy....if the proxy accepts the responsibility to carry out that choice then so be it.....
there are always those who neglect/abuse etc.....laws are for punishment AFTER guilt.....no minority report allowed here....dont let the government in your mind or any other organization.....it's your mind/heart/soul......
...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.
Do you remember the study about Conservatives having an overdeveloped part of the brain that senses FEAR??? Here is a great example of it manifesting FEAR in all it's glory!
Do you remember how I said progressive liberals think abortion on demand is a mark of progression? Well, abortion has been performed on women since the dark ages. Except back then, it was a life or death decision since famine and drought and disease were major factors when deciding to have children. You would think in a sane persons mind, with the abundance of food and the progress of modern medicine, antibiotics and birth control in America, progress would be defined as a higher birth rate and less abortions - not more. But in the sick twisted mind of the liberal more dead babies and a lower national birth rate is now actually considered progress.
In the backward mind of the liberal like box - up is down and down is up. Death is good, life is bad...And unfortunately public education was able to cross the wires on many children, convincing them that abortion is natural and some even are convinced it was the best decision for the baby. Sick isn't it? But...That's the world we live in. That's why you have to guard your children's brain from being perverted by the sick public school educators, or they will end up like box - convinced that abortion on demand and a low national birth rate is something to be proud about and a sign of progress. Next thing Box will be touting as progress is the practice of blood letting.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith
That's why you have to guard your children's brain from being perverted by the sick public school educators, or they will end up like box - convinced that abortion on demand and a low national birth rate is something to be proud about and a sign of progress. Next thing Box will be touting as progress is the practice of blood letting.
I couldn't agree more.....as for progress being equated with abortion...I disagree on that.....being progressive is a rhetoric word that means pretty much just CRAP and the 'progressives' labeled themselves as if they are 'evolving' humans....yeah,,,,I doubt that is happening at such a rate that we will miraculously become aliens to ourselves. There is nothing new under the sun except what one makes themselves believe via another person/entity. Weigh everything in your brain and teach your children to weigh them. The brain is a muscle and this world is physical. An abortion is physical. If someone finds that it is something else, then dont have one. I will not get in your brain and you can't get in my brain. very simple.
...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.
does anyone remember the story of the ant and the grasshopper?
one works for their 'stuff' and the other 'plays', well, the story is always told about the physical aspect of living. Here's the deal, if one 'plays' all their life not weighing out the end of their life or changes that will happen to them, maybe not lock step with their neighbor but they do happen, it's as if they are not ready for it regardless of cost or 'things'.......
what IS end of life? define the time frame, you just might be surprised at how we use the terminology.
...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.