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teen gets tazed by cops at Rollerrama
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teen gets tazed by cops at Rollerrama  This thread currently has 9,375 views. |
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April 8, 2011, 4:55am Report to Moderator
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Private Message Reply: 60 - 102
April 8, 2011, 5:11am Report to Moderator

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So got to go to the court last nite,
Lets see I was  allegedly attacked in Jan.
Now they are quick to allegedly take your money, abuse you, call you names and throw you in jail.
But my goodness why oh why does it take three months for the legal eagles to still review the case??
Didnt these guys go to college or something like that?
This aint law and order it is a comedy show.
Now I know why they say you should never argue with cops,
Not only never argue but do not even ask them any difficult questions such as what do you want?
or the dreaded
Is there a problem?
Or this one is really hard why are you detaining me?
or Am I under arrest?
And why can a cop talk to you anyway he feels?
professional my a55 ....

We didnt come this far to get this far.
   random 12 year old

A slave is someone that waits for someone else to free him.
                    Ezra Pound
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Private Message Reply: 61 - 102
April 8, 2011, 7:47pm Report to Moderator
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Some Rotterdam cops are pretty impressed with themselves.  We pay them to keep the peace.  Tazering a kid is just out of the ballpark.  Cop should be dismissed.  The way people are supposed to be in control of their car, a cop should be in control of a tazer gun and know when to use it--not on an old lady or on kids.  Did they have to taser Raucci?
E-mail Reply: 62 - 102
April 9, 2011, 4:48am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from scsd0287

doubt it B-RI

ya ok fishguy......
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Private Message Reply: 63 - 102
April 9, 2011, 4:53am Report to Moderator

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Wow this thread sure does attract some people with great story telling skills.....
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Private Message Reply: 64 - 102
April 9, 2011, 5:27am Report to Moderator

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We didnt come this far to get this far.
   random 12 year old

A slave is someone that waits for someone else to free him.
                    Ezra Pound
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Private Message Reply: 65 - 102
April 9, 2011, 7:41am Report to Moderator
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Unfortunately, there are stories too be told!
And unfortunately, most folks just keep their mouth shut!

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 66 - 102
April 9, 2011, 11:04am Report to Moderator

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Here is a story: If you were Jim Constantino and grabbed every under-aged girl that walked by, they would of had a hard time making a case or even listing him as a person of interest in any crime. Of course not even a whisper made it to the press about the fondling and touching and sexual assault. The chair of the democrap party, the current chief and the current sheriff having all enjoyed their RPD careers during that reign of terror (for the teenage girls.) Such wonderful investigators they are. Of course when the same act was tried just a few yards over the border into the next town, the Guilderland police department arrested him in a matter of seconds.

Such a stain on their souls that this went on for almost two decades. Who can refute all of the above? Oh, they didn't know? Oh, they had no reports? Oh, they couldn't get the girls and their parents to press charges? Ohhhh....Yeah, sure. I believe all that...If it were you or me or the guy next door, HEADLINES would have been made. Instead there is no paper trail, no information. Just like a good crime syndicate would do- COVER UP!

"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
Private Message Reply: 67 - 102
April 9, 2011, 11:40am Report to Moderator

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Quoted Text
Unfortunately, there are stories too be told!
And unfortunately, most folks just keep their mouth shut!

Very true Bumble

Some have to due to self preservation and lawyers orders.

Stories that have devasted families and sleeplesss nights.

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Private Message Reply: 68 - 102
April 9, 2011, 11:44am Report to Moderator
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GB--ok maybe they should have tazered Jimmy Constantino the first time his hands went wandering.
E-mail Reply: 69 - 102
April 9, 2011, 11:49am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from 612
GB--ok maybe they should have tazered Jimmy Constantino the first time his hands went wandering.

Instead - they campaigned for him.

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Private Message Reply: 70 - 102
April 9, 2011, 11:53am Report to Moderator
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Too bad that would have been appropriate use of the tazer.
E-mail Reply: 71 - 102
April 9, 2011, 1:09pm Report to Moderator

displaced by development
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rotterdam has no need for

police state uniforms


undercover cop cars


$110,000+/year police chiefs who take after EUNICE

bring back the good old black and white with high profile lights

a real police officers uniform

an officer walking a beat from time to time on altamont, heldeberg(fri/sat nights), walmart plaza

be visable not invisable

what ever happend to "protect and serve"

seems to me we have lots of serve and no protect


Talking to each other is better than talking about each other
Private Message Reply: 72 - 102
April 9, 2011, 7:31pm Report to Moderator
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I once had a run in with a Rotterdam cop.  I was at the light at Cumbies on Curry and the light turned green and the car IN FRONT of me moved and I moved.  About three houses up, he pulled me over and said I was doing 50mph.  I cant go any fast than the car in front of me so why wasnt that car pulled over too?  Then he tried to tell me that I wasnt wearing a seat belt when it was clear that I was because he was staring at it.  So after a little bit of arguing, I got a ticket for unpropper seatbelt use and was told that if I tried to fight it in court, he would throw in the speeding as well.  O_O

Im still wondering if he even knew what eye color I had.  
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Private Message Reply: 73 - 102
April 11, 2011, 7:13am Report to Moderator
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Gemini - hahah...I hope you didn't believe him when he said he'd prosecute you for speeding if you fought the ticket! What a scum.

Bottom line folks, cops are generally under-educated at the local level. Few of them have a working concept for the laws they enforce, meaning they're much more apt to issue you slew of summonses to let the court work it out rather than assess the situation with their own brain. It's this thinking that is precisely why they used the Taser against the kid. There was the easy way(zap him and start writing tickets) and the difficult way(restraining him and trying to tell what put a bur up his a**). They took the easy way. They always will.

And ditcher, you want to know why it takes three months? Because of all the BS tickets LEOs write each day. If cops had a clue about the law, they wouldn't give out nearly so many...which need to be adjudicated for arraignment purposes...then reviewed by an ADA...then brought back for plea bargaining...then scheduled for trial...et cetera.

But the more tickets Officer J. Blow  writes, the more tickets Judge Joe Brown hears...the more tickets Joe looks at, the more staff he can have can justify having in the court...that means more cops, more security...more everything...and with all those cases, there's an APPEARANCE that crime is on the rise, which means we need more police officers...and the cycle continues. It's an industry, and one that will swallow anyone thinking(or speaking)from the heart.
If I had my life to do over, I could have saved myself THOUSANDS of dollars by taking the legal advice someone posted here in a video: Shut up, take the ticket and play the system. It's really your only choice these days, like it or not.
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Private Message Reply: 74 - 102
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