Read a book called "Adventures in Immortality" written by famed pollster George Gallup, and you will read of the research and extensive study the Gallup Polling Organization did over a year and a half in 1980-81. You will hear consistently the same descriptions including the out of body travel person in a near death experience often experiences. The boy being able to see his father in the other room while he was unconscious is an inexplicable occurance that points to some out of body existence. Of course "science" wants to pretend these levels of existence are not real since they generally hate any concept of spirituality in that field, considering that matters of "spirit" are generally unknown to them. But if you want to believe there is nothing but loss of consciousness after physical death then you may get your way. I believe it is what you want and imagine there to be, because the mind and spirit are infinitely stronger than the physical body which weakens each day with time. |