Yeah I would, IF I knew even one horse farm owner other than the two or three I know that work with their spouses and children to board riding horses. But I don't know any of these so-called race horse owning rich republican farmers to tell. Once again you make a jerk off out of yourself. As IF I and any involved in equestrian pursuits are to blame for this murderous rapist wetback's behavior because I have ridden horses. What scum you liberals are, You INSIST on an unfettered illegal immigration policy where our government leaves open borders and when the prisons fill up with these maniacal turd-world sh!t bags you want to blame ranchers and farmers and small businesses that supposedly hire them. Quite honestly in the 25 years or so I have been around horses my experience both in Montana and here in upstate NY I HAVE met many Mexican and Mexican-American amigos, I knew several vaqueros once in Yellowstone country and their gracious families and NOT ONE OF THEM was an illegal alien or a criminal. NOT ONE. NOT EVEN ONE. They were all law abiding Americans and the few that were not were green card holders and highly skilled cattlemen. You and your other liberal mamby-pam alter egos online are an imbecile. Go get some fresh air and get our of sh!t city once in a while, you have become inbred with the local woodchucks. |