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1066 Curry Road -Rehash
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February 24, 2011, 9:14pm Report to Moderator
Baby Member
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19 hours 23 minutes
While at Wednesdays Meeting the subject of 1066 Curry Road surfaced again

here is some past history on this board


and some history supplied by Ms. Gabriele -  


4/15/10 Received notification of Change of Zone Request

4/20/10 Attended Planning Commission meeting.  Spoke in opposition to zone change.  Vote was 4 -2 to send a positive recommendation to the Town Board.

4/28/20 Attended Town Board meeting – call for Public Hearing

5/12/10 Public Hearing and presentation of site plan.  Neighbors spoke in opposition.  Neighborhood petition given to Town Board.  
            Town Board sent application back to Planning Commission because the site plans were incomplete and many changes were made.  
            Some members of Town Board were not present.

5/29/10 Received phone call from Mr. DelGallo.  He tells us if we oppose the change he will be allowed to build anyway and things will be worse for us.  Wouldn’t say how.

6/1/10 Planning Commission meeting.  Neighbors spoke in opposition to new site plan.  Planning Board would not revote – sent back to Town Board.

6/9/10 When arriving home from work there was notice on our door from Public Works that we had to remove our shed (which had been there for about 25 years).  
           Town Board/Public Hearing.  We handed in additional signatures on petition.  Presentation by Mr. Blackstone showing what would happen if they didn’t get Zone Change.  
           Building would be turned so all windows would be facing us, it would be closer to our property line.  
           Resolution was passed by 3 board members to get an Engineer’s Report to determine if this was possible.

7/13/10 Letter from Mr. Blackstone (surveyor for Mr. DeLorenzo) asking to have application for change of zone removed from the agenda and placed back on after Engineer’s Report is received.

8/9/10 Engineer’s Report

10/26/10 I sent a letter to Mr. Maher regarding a wire fence being placed along the adjacent property line along with yellow construction tape.  
              Fence appears to be partly on our property.  No response from Mr. Maher.

11/30/10 Trees removed and sections of stockade fence removed.  E-mail sent to Public Works Department.

2/23/20 Resolution for change of zone request placed on the agenda for Town Board.  Vote 3 Yes - 2 No.  Supervisor DelGallo passed resolution.  
            Ms. DiLeva informed him of the need for a super majority because of petition.  Mr. DelGallo passed the vote contingent on review of petition.

information from tippycanoe's post on the 5/12/2010 town board meeting

A. For a Change of Zone request on approximately 2.735 acres from Single Family
Residential (R-1) and Two Family Residential (R-2) to Multi-Family
Residential (R-3), on Tax Map Number 58.8-9-17.11 & 58.8-9-4.1 located at
1066 Curry Road and 1113 Floral Avenue, Rotterdam, New York, 12306. The
applicant proposes to construct a six (6) unit apartment building and bring a 42-
unit apartment building into current zoning codes.

Mark Blackstone - Mr delorenzo has owned the properties for quite some time. We would like to build a 6 unit building we are requesting to bring all parcels in to a common zoning code

Bob Godlewski- so our notes are outdated?

We will eliminate the existing light glare

We move the building further north
And the parking lot moved also
Emergency access road has been eliminated by floral
We propose a 6 unit building and about 80 percent of our renters are with out children
We will demolish an existing outbuilding and clean up the area
This building would have minimum windows on the Gabriel property side and no balconies
The addition of 6 units would be neg compared to the current 50 units
No access off of walnut street

Any questions
Bob Godlewski -When will you present to the planning board?

Mark Blackstone -We will meet with the planning board anytime at your request

Bob Godlewski -There is a meeting this tuesday

Audience - Are there plans available on windows ???

Windows are limited to. 8 percent of the wall

Audience - There will be patio doors on the first floor
Audience - What percent of the lighting is upgraded
Mr delorenzo - 3 of 12 lights are done

Mark Blackstone -We will comply with all retroactive lighting requirements

The planner- forward the project back to us or continue forward
The chairman is aware of the proposed changes

Mark Blackstone -We would be happy to attend a caucus meeting

A resident requests -  that the changes go before the planning commission so that residents can be notified properly

Please leave the public hearing open as there are only three board members here today

FDG-This public hearing will remain open

Mike Gabriel
Petitions by floral ave neighbor
Now 4 board members must vote
Some background
We bought property on a dead end street
Mr delorenzo has built a building is less then 10 ft from out property line
The appt will have negative effect on my property value
Loss of privacy
Increased traffic
water problems because of the high water table
Snow removal issues
Rodents and garbage can be detected on my property
The looks of the neighborhood
Please preserve our neighborhood

FDG- what about the elks club

Bob diamond
In2008 the elks cleared 300' of their property
Now crime is on the increase
Now I have 3 sump pumps working due to development
The elks property and mine are now cut thru’s
The building does not fit the environment

Malcom ?? Lives on the south side of mr delorenzos properties
I selected my property because it was quiet
Concerned about loss of privacy and light pollution, noise and traffic
vehicular cut thru
The garbage issues
Where will the new dumpster go??
The risk of altering the water table
Loss of property value
Where will the current wildlife go

Board attorney
With a correct petition there may require a 4/5ths vote to pass this zoning change

Blackstone- we will build a snow storage area
And we will build a taller fence
To deal with the 4' rise of the Gabriel property

Discussion of water table issues and building

FDG- this public hearing will remain open till june 9

Peter has the planning board will discuss june 1 at 730 at town hall

and some of Tippycanoe's notes from the 6/9/2010 town board meeting

179.10 Adopt Local Law No. Six (6) of the Year 2010 for the following purpose:
To amend Chapter 270 of the Code of the Town of Rotterdam entitled
ZONING for a Change of Zone request on approximately 2.735 acres
from Single Family Residential (R-1) and Two Family Residential (R-2)
to Multi-Family Residential (R-3), on Tax Map Number 58.8-9-17.11 &
58.8-9-4.1 located at 1066 Curry Road and 1113 Floral Avenue,
Rotterdam, New York, 12306. The applicant proposes to construct a four
(4) unit apartment building and bring a 42-unit apartment building into
current zoning codes.

Motion to table 179

I await the end result with much anticipation, given the need for a super majority

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February 25, 2011, 7:00am Report to Moderator

displaced by development
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the root of the issue of why this town is such a sh!t hole seems to revolve around the Department of Public works and it's commissions and boards, all of which are placed in office by town board members.  Most terms of those officers span beyond the terms of a single board member, which ensures the cesspool never empties

any plan to change the look of this town or strengthen the comp plan needs to be a 6 year effort, not just an election issue

Talking to each other is better than talking about each other
Private Message Reply: 1 - 52
February 25, 2011, 7:34am Report to Moderator
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This is a result of rotterdam not having an updated comp plan.
Drainage issues, traffic issues, infrastructure issues(roads, sewers, water-all antiquated)

The spot zoning should be stopped by moratorium until all issues in the entire town of rotterdam are addressed FIRST!

This would not discourage development, but rather put them on hold until rotterdam addresses these issues and implements them into an updated comp plan. A new updated comp plan would make rotterdam look more appealing.  There would be less hoops to jump through. It would be cut and dry so to say. An updated comp plan would lessen this back and forth and the wink and nod that goes on in rotterdam.

Rotterdam needs to have an updated comp plan. THAT is the real issue here.

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 2 - 52
February 25, 2011, 8:26am Report to Moderator
Jr. Member
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"This is a result of rotterdam not having an updated comp plan"

No. This is a result of the town board following the money. DeLorenzo has more of it than the neighbors. I bet you all of the concrete in FDG's pools that if the Gabrieles or Donahue or any of those people had several million to dump into a campaign, this zone change would have never gone through.

If you know where this is in Rotterdam and have ever been near this neighborhood, you can't say with a straight face that this change was logical. You could say in 1985, crony politics lead to the partial destruction of these properties. But you can't say this area should be anywhere near a multi-family zone!

But WC followed the advice of the uber-hypocrite(and old-school Dem) TY...Now WC lobbed his vote with the usual caveat that 'this is just the zone change' which is utter BS. Once the zone change goes through, Delorenzo will have plenty of legal precedent to sue the piss out of the town if the PC doesn't give him an OK. These jackasses (and I point directly at WC) have given him a foot in the door which he'll use to kick it in. I've seen is THOUSANDS of times....so much now that I don't even get sick to my stomach like I used to.

Again, this has NOTHING to do with an updated comp plan. Rotterdam HAS a comp plan in place. And guess what? The town ignores it whenever a developer with ties asks for a waiver. What a cesspool. It's a shame that honest people like the residents of floral and walnut have to deal with this garbage. Here's a new slogan for the town: Rotterdam -BUYER BEWARE!!
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Private Message Reply: 3 - 52
February 25, 2011, 8:57am Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Again, this has NOTHING to do with an updated comp plan. Rotterdam HAS a comp plan in place. And guess what? The town ignores it whenever a developer with ties asks for a waiver.

How old is the comp plan? There appears to be drainage issues in that area........no?

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 4 - 52
February 25, 2011, 9:39am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from bumblethru

How old is the comp plan? There appears to be drainage issues in that area........no?

        I believe the Comp Plan is circa yr. 2000.  I also beileve that the parcels in question are not part of the study area.  The exit 25A/Burdeck Corridor has been restudied in 2004;  http://www.cdtcmpo.org/linkage/burdeck/burdeck.htm
Private Message Reply: 5 - 52
February 25, 2011, 10:10am Report to Moderator
Jr. Member
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Again...comp plan or no comp plan. IT DOESN'T MATTER. A comp plan is a guide. The town decides how to apply it. In Rotterdam, the decision to use whatever zoning is in place is almost always override when it comes to a developer who pledges to build something swell...build tax base...etc.

On drainage, I believe you're correct. If not before, then they will once those big snow banks melt.
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Private Message Reply: 6 - 52
February 25, 2011, 10:22am Report to Moderator
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Most of Rotterdam has a high water table, dig in my backyard and you'll hit water at 42" of depth and 16" below that is a layer of clay that prevents the water table from dropping any further. Anytime the water table is disturbed there is a chance of the water table getting higher and thus increase the drainage problem in the area that was disturbed.
Private Message Reply: 7 - 52
February 25, 2011, 10:51am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from Hack
Again...comp plan or no comp plan. IT DOESN'T MATTER. A comp plan is a guide. The town decides how to apply it. In Rotterdam, the decision to use whatever zoning is in place is almost always override when it comes to a developer who pledges to build something swell...build tax base...etc.

On drainage, I believe you're correct. If not before, then they will once those big snow banks melt.

you are correct.....this town has one style...."go ahead buddy, 10-4".....no patina/no class/no style......maybe we could make a new
position called the Comp Plan enforcer(but they cant know anyone, be related to anyone, or even live here)......

we need to disolve the senior center take that money and get our a$$es in gear.....10year plan max......crowning our achievement
will be a community center.......

and the developers dont get to toss in their 2cents (not with their style sense),,,,they can follow the directions of the Comp Plan enforcer

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 8 - 52
February 25, 2011, 11:07am Report to Moderator

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I told the Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor in the weeks before they took office -- that adopting a comp plan and updating all the zoning language should be one of the first priorities of the new administration.

Obviously, they have decided to make punishing any one who disagrees with them -- THE only priority of their administration.

George Amedore & Christian Klueg for NYS Senate 2016
Pete Vroman for State Assembly 2016[/size][/color]

"For this is what America is all about. It is the uncrossed desert and the unclimbed ridge. It is the star that is not reached and the harvest that is sleeping in the unplowed ground."
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Private Message Reply: 9 - 52
February 25, 2011, 11:29am Report to Moderator
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I told the Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor in the weeks before they took office -- that adopting a comp plan and updating all the zoning language should be one of the first priorities of the new administration.

Obviously, they have decided to make punishing any one who disagrees with them -- THE only priority of their administration.

Not so fast there cowboy.....I believe the last administration failed to update the comp plan also.
Everyone was so willing to be on studies that addressed 2 areas of the town, but not the 'rest' of the town.

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 10 - 52
February 25, 2011, 11:32am Report to Moderator
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That's all the last administration was did was study after study after study and most of the studies resulted in doing very little except in some cases resulted in doing another study.
Private Message Reply: 11 - 52
February 25, 2011, 11:38am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from Hack
Again...comp plan or no comp plan. IT DOESN'T MATTER. A comp plan is a guide. The town decides how to apply it. In Rotterdam, the decision to use whatever zoning is in place is almost always override when it comes to a developer who pledges to build something swell...build tax base...etc.

On drainage, I believe you're correct. If not before, then they will once those big snow banks melt.

Then if rotterdamians that are concerned with any new proposed future developments needs to vote all 5 of these clowns OUT!! Remember, this bunch wanted to bring rotterdam back to the constantino/kirvin days.....well they are!!! Just drive around the old town....their signiture is everywhere! They need to ALL be voted out in the next election before they do any more harm.

Between the irresponsible developing to a budget rotterdamians know nothing about, to a legal firm that is over budget with no competition and no ALS monies that were figured into the budget that is non-existent! Rotterdam has already lost 2 month of ASL funding!!

And rotterdamians, don't forget about the absent town clerk that is costing taxpayers a bundle!!!

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 12 - 52
February 25, 2011, 1:18pm Report to Moderator
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THERE IS A COMP PLAN.....they never follow it for 'good buddy 10-4'.....it's like the work at the capital....who cares about it.....

we have a senior center that the seniors cant even safely walk to.....

no sidewalks

and a lady cant get a dog in her car......

no sewers

but there are walkers and wheelchairs to borrow.....

gotta build another MFRH/apartment

our seniors built this town......

ALS collected---where

the seniors need something to do.....

franchise fee---where

the dog park will be fun

what comp plan?

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 13 - 52
February 25, 2011, 9:02pm Report to Moderator

displaced by development
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even if  there were a solid comp plan

we still haven't address those who take office and can't comprehend the town law

Talking to each other is better than talking about each other
Private Message Reply: 14 - 52
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