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February 8, 2011, 7:24pm Report to Moderator
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from Channel 13 website -- (note the last paragraph)  

Rotterdam considers then withdraws ban on texting

ROTTERDAM -   By this point in life you've probably seen people tapping away at their cell phone keyboards.

For many users texting is almost as common as talking.

It's usually silent or close to it. It didn't seem to be much of a problem, until...

The draft agenda for the Wednesday Rotterdam Town Board meeting. Turn off your cell phone and Blackberry. There will be no text messages during town board meetings.

Welcome to the nanny state. Assuming the rule is enforceable, which it probably is not.

"And the courts have, since 1979, said that anybody can record so long as the use of the device is not disruptive or obtrusive," said Robert Freeman of the Committee on Open Government. "My guess is that it would be no more distracting than what you're doing right now, taking notes."

Since 1974 lawyer Bob Freeman has been issuing advisory opinions on government access. He's part of the New York Secretary of State's office.

And as for the texting ban, Freeman says no way, it's not even close.

"The reality is that texting, for so many, has simply become part of life in 2011. I don't think that there's any way that we could prohibit it,  even if we wanted to do so."

Rotterdam Town Supervisor Frank Del Gallo took it upon himself to make the no texting rule.

Board member Nicola DiLeva told NewsChannel 13 he did not clear it with the other elected board members and she certainly doesn't favor it.

After a large amount of negative reaction Del Gallo told NewsChannel 13 he had reconsidered and decided to withdraw the ban on texting.
Private Message Reply: 45 - 103
February 9, 2011, 9:15am Report to Moderator
Jr. Member
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I notice the "draft" meeting agenda is no longer posted for tonight's(2-9) town board meeting. Sooo...umm...what exactly is Darlene Mullaly doing?!? Better yet, what is the town board doing?!?

Oh...and another thing...anyone notice that the other boards seem to post their minutes...yet the town board doesn't? Hmm...Now that's good government.
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Private Message Reply: 46 - 103
February 9, 2011, 2:34pm Report to Moderator

displaced by development
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executive meeting at 5pm today  - be there

Talking to each other is better than talking about each other
Private Message Reply: 47 - 103
February 9, 2011, 7:18pm Report to Moderator

displaced by development
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This meeting is a circus
New attornies hired
Attornies fired

Godlewski's son works for creighton manning

Malizenski - mr godlewski and ms gallo's info is 100percent correct the issue is the correct engineer for the job

Nicki - I want honest answers when I ask question

Wayne - backs nicki bring forth all ghosts

Talking to each other is better than talking about each other
Private Message Reply: 48 - 103
February 9, 2011, 7:22pm Report to Moderator
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Who'd they hire, Buchanan?
E-mail Reply: 49 - 103
February 9, 2011, 7:22pm Report to Moderator
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but R their heads bobbling?

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 50 - 103
February 9, 2011, 9:19pm Report to Moderator
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I didn't attend tonight but heard that Tim Longo
stuck up for his friend and business partner, FDG.
If I got a $10k stipend I would probably kiss a little a$$
Private Message Reply: 51 - 103
February 9, 2011, 9:39pm Report to Moderator

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Rumor has it that the young Miss Litz is being courted to be the town lawyer. I have heard that from several sources! Who is Creighton Manning? A quarterback in the English Football League? WTF?

"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
Private Message Reply: 52 - 103
February 9, 2011, 9:39pm Report to Moderator

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Dd anyone get cuffed by the po-po's?

"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
Private Message Reply: 53 - 103
February 9, 2011, 11:19pm Report to Moderator

displaced by development
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(note) - this meeting was off the charts

12:18am 2/10/2011

the notes below were cramed in to 1hr 45 min

a uniformed police officer was in the room at all times  - protecting and serving

none of the resolution numbers make any sense  due to adds and changes

any other input from attendees is welcome

FEBRUARY 9, 2011

6:35 board members are out of their executive session – I hear it was about time warner contract

6:50. 0ver 50 present

6:55 – Nicki makes a motion to come out of executive session

FDG -  nothing comes before GOD


Motion to come out of executive session

FDG – confused on when to swear in the new police office

7:00 p.m.




FDG - Swear in the police officer

JL – you need to pass the resolution first


Res. No.

Nicki  - motion to move resolutions 68.11 and 69.11 to the front of the agenda

67.11 Accept resignation of Dan Gaudio as a member of the Rotterdam Conservation
Advisory Council, effective January 1, 2011

y  Bob
y  Nicki
y  Matt
y  Wayne
y  Frank

68.11 Appoint William J. Male to the position of Investigator in the Detective Division with
full employee benefits, salary $73,790.15, effective January 31, 2011

y  Bob
y  Nicki
y  Matt
y  Wayne
y  Frank

69.11 Appoint Michael Randle to the position of police officer with full employee benefits,
salary $43,480.15, effective February 9, 2011.

y  Bob
y  Nicki
y  Matt
y  Wayne – this officer came to us from SchdyPD and will save us $$$ on training  costs
y  Frank

This gentleman is sworn in

7:05 – all law enforcement leaves save one

67.11 Accept resignation of Dan Gaudio as a member of the Rotterdam Conservation
Advisory Council, effective January 1, 2011

y  Bob
y  Nicki
y  Matt
y  Wayne
y  Frank

Now there is confusion
Papers are introduced by wayne

Motion to introduce resolution 63.11 to xfer Joe L town attorney to Deputy Town Attorney  at $22,000 pluse retirement credit effective Feb 10,2011

Godlewski – Joe would you like to make a comment

Town Attorney – Starting jan 15th 2010 for a two year term lifting home rule me and Mike Godlewsski came on board.  In Oct of 2010 Mike Godlewski left on short notice to work for the county,  I was left with both the town court and the rest of town business.   I have asked for help.  I think a town of  this size is more than enough for a town of this size.  I see this resolution for the 1st time and I am now a “deputy”.  I request a meeting with the three board members,  one on one so as not to have an illegal meeting

I ask
(1)     – what is the displeasure I may have caused
(2)     That do you nicki, matt and wayne have in store for me
Wayne – will you except this position if passed?

Town Attorney  - yes but I request a meeting

FDG – I suggest we table this

Wayne – we will go forward

Vote on the add
N – godlewski
Y – nicki
Y - matt
Y – Wayne

On the resolution
N – Godlewski
Y -  Nicki – we appreciate what you have done – we discussed this yesterday
Y – matt
Y –Wayne – this in now way reflects the job you have done ,we understand you need help
N – FDG – I think Joe did a good Job _ I think he should stay

64.11 – add
Danials and Porko will be the town attorney as per a jan26th (date change)proposal for $138,500(pro rated(added)) until 12/31/2011

Mr – godlewski  brought up date change and pro rate $$$

N - Mr Godlewski – we have budgets 203,000 in 2011 and you will use up almost 200,000 doing this.  Litigation costs are not covered by the proposal.  Attorneys fees out side of scope are not covered,  time warner negotiation fees will be expensive.  Total fees in 2010 were 102,000 and we are going to double that this year.  With more litigation pending I have a concern where we will get the monies

My other point is in oct of 2010 we changed our purchasing   - any contract over xxxx has to go out for bid
Y – nicki –
Y – Matt – the language in the comptrollers report referenced a contract involving a company hired by the town owned by a sitting town board member,  we are contracting a law firm to help Mr Licarrdi
Y – Wayne – Mr Licarrdi is in need of help,  there is a lot going on and a lot coming up  the town cannot function with a 20 hr/week attorney
N – FDG – as for an attorney Joe does a great job, we need to bid this out,  I have dealt with more lawyers that all of you together,  Mr godlewski and  I never met them

65.11  - Add
Terminate the services ov Mr Goldberg

N -  Bob
Y -   Nicki
Y -  Matt
Y -  Wayne
N  -  Frank

Discussion – on 65.11
Nicki why do we keep as lawyer who will only talk to 2 board members not 5,  “MOVE ROTTERDAM FORWARD” make Rotterdam run correctly and this nonsense will stop

Bob ask the board members if they have spoken with Mr Goldberg
Matt sys the question is not relevant

Nicki I am not demanding -   this t arrangement does not work for 5 board members
Wayne – Catsup – where is the Catsup we haven’t had a labor meeting yet
This in not about US or THEM it is about what is FAIR for the TOWN

Confusion by frank

FDG – I decide labor issues

66.11 Appoint Patrick Carroll as the Designated Employer Representative (DER) for the
Town of Rotterdam under the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991.

Y -  Bob
Y -  Nicki
Y -  Matt
Y -  Wayne
Y -  Frank

66.11 Amend Resolution No. 52.11 to expand the Parks and Recreation Commission to 10
Members and Appoint Lisa Dufek of Rotterdam, New York to a two (2) year term.

Y -  Bob
N -  Nicki -  the commission brought forth their design we just can change it  - it is not our job to direct them
N -  Matt – the commission is set you cant come to a true resolution with an even number of votes
N -  Wayne – I stand behind the decisions of the dept/commission heads
Y -  Frank – whats the big deal you are lucky if 5 members show up


Confusion on the public hearing – no one speaks

67.11 To amend §266-52, Schedule XII of the Code of the Town of Rotterdam entitled, “No
Parking at Any Time” by amending as follows:
In accordance with the provisions of §266-20, no person shall park a vehicle at
any time upon the following streets or parts of streets:
Name of Street Side Location___________
Hollywood Avenue East Hollywood Avenue between Fairlane and Continental


No one speaks

Res. No

69.11 Call for Public Hearing to amend Local Law No.2, Reso. No. 19.11 passed on
1/1/2011 to include the Planning and Zoning fee schedule to include items omitted
from the original Schedule of Fees.

All yes

71.11 Refer to Planning Commission for report and recommendation thereon a proposed
Local Law of the Year 2011 for the following purpose:
For a Change of Zone request on approximately +/- 1.22 acre parcel(s)
from Retail Business (B-1) Multi-Family Residential (R-3), on Tax Map
Number 59.9-619 located at 1952 Curry Road, Schenectady, New York,
12306. The applicant proposes to construct two (2) eight ( unit
apartment buildings.

All yess

72.11 Authorize the Town of Rotterdam to revise the financing plan for Capital
Project No. H092 established by resolution No. 240.09 authorizing the
construction of a new Water Storage Tank in Water District No. 3 and 4.

  All yess

73.11 Authorize the Comptroller to appropriate in the Water District No. 3 Fund,
unrestricted fund balance (SW3-599) to be transferred to Capital Project H092
in order to pay expenses to the construction of the new water tank, in an
amount not to exceed $51,677.00 in the 2010 budget.

All yes

74.11 Authorize the Comptroller to appropriate unrestricted fund balance in the Special
Drainage District No.1 Fund (SD1), also known as Dianne Estates Drainage Fund to
offset expenses to cover the costs of maintenance of the grounds within the district as
of December 31, 2010.

All yes

75.11 Authorize the Comptroller appropriate Sewer District No.2, Extension No.7
Appropriations (SS27-960-9730.700021) by $2,962.81 to cover the cost of
additional debt service principal paid in the 2010 budget.

All yes

77.11 Authorize Supervisor to execute contract with a Town Designated Attorney (TDA) to
review and negotiate a sewer use contract with the City of Schenectady.
Nicki – why do we need a TDA
This resolution pulled

78.11 Authorize the Supervisor to enter into a contract with GraceCom Communications for
telephone maintenance services for the Town of Rotterdam for the year 2011.

All yes

79.11 Authorize the Town of Rotterdam to contract with Creighton Manning and Associates
to provide Town Designated Engineering (TDE) services on an as needed basis.
Res. No

Discussion of  conflict of interest with a board member
Godlewski’s son works for Creighton Manning and Associates
Motion to reopen public comment

Lisa Gallo – this came up in a planning meeting and CM was the best choice because  they worked on the HESS project
Rich Malizanski – I can confirm this discussion my wife and I were at the meeting
Delevilla – don’t work against developers by increasing costs
  Bob - recuse
  Nicki – y – at the agenda meeting I asked for any info on this
  Matt - y
  Wayne - y
  Frank - y

Nicki – get the Ghosts out of the closet at the agenda meeting so we don’t have to go thru the mud here

Resolution 81.11  authorize the supervisor to execute a permanent easement on be half of the town to the county of Schenectady for the purpose of providing a roadway access over town lands from west Campbell rd to the proposed Rotterdam Little League fields
All pass

Consent items – all pass

80.11 Accept Town Clerk’s report for the month of January 2011.
81.11 Budget transfers by the Town Comptroller to various accounts.



Matt's Senior Moment-
Any q’s on his moment call the senior center at 356-1561

Valentines luncheon at the brass rail  11:30am  2/11/2011  $10.00 ?person
Day trip to hunt’s landing  3/22/2011 $50/person
55 alive mon,tues 2/14,15/2011 8:30 and 11:30

AARP tax prep call for appt


Mr Malizenski – text supplied
This past December the Mohonasen School District Bond vote and the Referendum to establish a Special Tax District for Ambulance Service were resoundly defeated by the electorate.

Schalmont Central Schools are looking into closing two elementary schools to consolidate and save money.

Town residents applauded the efforts involved for the revised budget crafted by councilwoman DiLeva with the assistance of councilmen Martin and Parisi.

These are very difficult fiscal times that are especially hard on residents with fixed incomes, and those that suffered job losses due to the recent collapse of the economy.

During the January 1, 2011 organizational meeting, a resident spoke of being appalled that the Town spent $6,500 dollars on a contract for a HR (Human Resources) company to address a Town labor issue.  The Town Board was unanimous in their displeasure of this expense.

At this juncture in time, the Rotterdam Town Clerk has been absent for approximately 1 year.  I assume that this continues to be at full salary of $50,350 dollars and an additional $3,000 dollar stipend for registrar of vital statistics, FOIL officer, etc.

This is money the Town can ill afford to give away.  Additionally, there appears to be no apparent end in sight as the Town Clerk has 3 more elected years in office.

I am proposing that the Town Board adopt a Resolution that would be fair for all parties involved.  I have prepared a Draft Resolution that I would like to submit to the Town Board.  For those without a copy, the Resolution states . . . . . . .

  Authorize the Town Board to adjust the Town Clerk’s annual salary to $1dollar/yr. until such time that the Town Clerk is present at the designated work station, Rotterdam Town Hall, and actively fulfilling the duties of the Town Clerk’s Office.  At said time, the salary of the Town Clerk is to be restored at the 2011 budgeted rate and prorated for the time worked at the designated work station.  

Supervisor Del Gallo indicated some time ago that the Town Clerk need only work one day a year because it is an elected position.  The Resolution provides for fair compensation for fair fulfillment of the elected office.

The Rotterdam Town Board, as elected officials, have been entrusted to be the fiduciary stewards of the taxpayers money.  I would implore you to take the lead and add a Resolution to the next agenda meeting to address this affront to the Rotterdam residents and put an end to this obvious impasse.

Bob  Godlewski – Do you want us to answer this one  = you are not going to like the answer
FDG – we don’t have a right to take away her pay

Judy Diagastion – thank you  passing 81.11

Edwsrd Dixon – when does resolution 60.11 take affect  - I have a certified copy of it
The town board sent you a directive what authority do you have to ignore it

You are a MORON – directed to FDG

Conard – missing text to FDG you took this upon your self
There is discussion of a meeting tomorrow and connard says the meeting will not happen because the town passed 60.11

Connard – that is why this town is in trouble

Jack Shielly  - this is harassment to the employees ,  I would like to hear from each board member

Nicki  - resolution 60.11 speaks for 3 board members, I am sorry you are going thru this, I will ask our new attorneys

Peter Cra???vich – Sat on Ethics Board speaks on the issues on the attorney picked against the ethics board recommendation  - missing text

Tim Longo – to Ed and Connard - This is disrespectful, Every supervisor has moved people , as a supervisor has the right discussion about hiring people outside the town

Rich dunsmore – please follow the union contract rules  you have to follow the “rules” I do not believe this was done

Clark Collins – I have worked with 3 supervisors and as the union rep all moves were discussed. All moves and changes were above board

(Per Resolution No. 444.06) G
General Rules of Procedure for Public Hearings & Privilege of the Floor:
Each speaker will state his/her name and address for the record. To ensure each attendee has an
equal and reasonable opportunity to address their concerns, he/she is afforded a maximum of four
(4) minutes to address the Town Board.



Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Talking to each other is better than talking about each other
Private Message Reply: 54 - 103
February 9, 2011, 11:39pm Report to Moderator
Guest User
Wow - crazy night in town hall.
E-mail Reply: 55 - 103
February 9, 2011, 11:39pm Report to Moderator

Hero Member
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131 days 7 hours 47 minutes
They all wanted this!

"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
Private Message Reply: 56 - 103
Alan S. Satchel
February 10, 2011, 12:36am Report to Moderator
Guest User
Quoted from TippyCanoe
(note) - Danials and Porko will be the town attorney as per a jan26th (date change)proposal for $138,500(pro rated(added)) until 12/31/2011

150 k for new layers + the 25 and retirment for the old one

250 k for rems

4 persent tax raise

deleva is a conservative ? ? ? ? ?
E-mail Reply: 57 - 103
Truth Stranger Than Fiction
February 10, 2011, 1:09am Report to Moderator
Guest User
Ahoy mates.
It appears the handwriting is on the wall with FDG and his first mate.
The USS Rotterdam is rapidly sinking and the captain is going down with the ship.
The long simmering unhappiness of the crew has resulted in a full blown mutiny.
A call to arms! All hands on deck!
E-mail Reply: 58 - 103
February 10, 2011, 5:20am Report to Moderator
Administrator Group
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Private Message Reply: 59 - 103
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