Oh box, how you are so good at simplifying and revising history. Reagan sign the bill after changing the language to limit abortions to incest, rape, and death of the mother. The California state legislator had the majority to override Reagan's veto, so Reagan changed wording in the law in efforts to reduce at-will abortions.
Quoted Text
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
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In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves.
all the language compels the woman to birth.....but no one is there for the baby....why? because it just has to be born.....wrong thinking....being born may mean life but does not mean living......I dont see anywhere that explains ANYONE ELSE'S RESPONSIBILITY IN THE REARING......why?... oh, I know why....because it's just F'EN assumed........
...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.
Baby??? A BABY??? Since in the USA, 9 out of 10 abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks and most of these are done within the first 9 are you really discussing a BABY??? or A FETUS???
By the end of 9 weeks when most abortions are preformed, Bob(the fetus) may be close to 3/4 inch long. How big is 3/4 inch:
Lay one penny in your hand... Look at it... Not quite what you expect when you see all the blood & guts pics from the anti choice people (but exaggeration is their strong suit). At 9 weeks, the Bob's arm bones begin to form... and it's tail though still there has shrunk considerably.
At 12 weeks, a time when very few abortions are preformed, Bob weighs 1/2 oz. (The same as 1 1/2 M&M's) and Congratulations... BOB's Tail is GONE!
Some how, all those pics I've seen of fetal parts galore on the Anti Choice websites seem to be much more propaganda than fact. (I'd be arrested if I enlarged pics of M&M's to 100 times and tried to sell them as "actual size", but again, exaggeration, not facts, is their trade.)
I am not promoting abortions, just facts. If you don't want one, there are many alternatives that every women should explore. If you decide that you do want to terminate a pregnancy, then abortions should be safe and legal.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith
It is fun to watch the equivalent of a Holocaust denier double talk and back track. First he says a fertilized egg between weeks 1 and 24 is just cell masses and abortion during the first 24 weeks is not the killing of human life. Equating chicken eggs to human embryos, or humans to chimps (I think he/she compared it to a lizard also). Admitting that neonatal surgeons perform LIFE saving operations on developed human organs inside the womb at 20 weeks to save the HUMAN life of what legally isn’t considered a human. It fascinates me to see the arguments he/she chooses to justify the destruction of millions of viable human lives in the name of social convenience.
It is scary to see how in 50 years, the leftists were able to brainwash a generation into believing that the miracle of pregnancy and the reproduction of human life is now optional depending on whether or not it interferes with the persons narcissistic pursuit of material wealth and personal happiness.
In the 60’s the leftist marched in the streets chanting, “if it feels good do it”. Pushing a culture of free love, drugs, and the perpetual good time. They are now in our halls of government and running our education system and attempting to create a utopian culture and legal system that takes away all consequences and social stigmas for their endless narcissistic pursuit of self-gratification.
We are a society of social convenience. If you don’t like your spouse – get a divorce and get a new one… If you are pregnant and you’re “not ready” – get an abortion…If you don’t like your job – quit and collect social services. If you want to live home until you’re 26 – no problem, Obamacare will force insurance companies to insure children until the age of 26. Commitment, personal responsibility, and consequences have been deleted from American vernacular.
I do understand that abortions are nothing new to society, and that generation before us there were abortions performed. But, the difference is, the generations before knew they were sacrificing a human life; they didn’t make believe that it was anything less than taking a life like we are made to believe today.
Great, thanks for the facts of gestation under 12 weeks. Now find me pictures on Planned Parenthood or other pro-choice websites of 20-24 week fetuses. Remember, it is legal up to 24 weeks.
I do understand that abortions are nothing new to society, and that generation before us there were abortions performed. But, the difference is, the generations before knew they were sacrificing a human life; they didn’t make believe that it was anything less than taking a life like we are made to believe today.
what you dont know is how that person came to that decision....we are FAR from christ-like and this aint mamby-pamby land and you dont know what their thought process is...the government doesn't know their thought process...and their choice is their consequence and their judgement lies in anothers hands(according to god and procreation, you dont get to read only part of the bible and hit everyone over the head with it)...you may cite it but ultimately is their choice and their burden and their outcome...not yours, not mine or anyone else's......
if you honestly think that generations before they knew they were sacrificing a human life then you think mamby-pamby land exists....remember cain and able....yeah, that has never been removed from our DNA........
Quoted Text
Commitment, personal responsibility, and consequences have been deleted from American vernacular.
so which view should EVERY WOMAN have about a pregnancy?.....commitment?...personal responsibility?....consequence?.....hhhmmmm
getting married just because the woman gets pregnant because it is the 'respectable' thing to do is a loosely knitted delusion of mamby-pamby land...
...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.
Great, thanks for the facts of gestation under 12 weeks. Now find me pictures on Planned Parenthood or other pro-choice websites of 20-24 week fetuses. Remember, it is legal up to 24 weeks.
Since you ignore the FACT that 90% of abortions are preformed BEFORE 12 weeks, and most of those BEFORE 9 weeks... and you ONLY want to discuss those at 24 weeks, then lets look at those rare cases where an abortion is preformed at up to 24 weeks. Health or life of the mother is a major factor in abortions at this stage. A nonviable (diseased, injured or dying) fetus would be part of this stage abortion.
So you want to ignore the vast majority of abortions and focus on the rare 24 week procedures, knowing full well that many of these are necessary, not optional. You seem to value the fetus, and disregard the mother. Mothers (human beings) seem to be "expendable".
Cicero, you argue this point like you are reading it from the same AntiChoice groups that show those 9X12 glossy pics of "the worst case scenario", and pass it off as a "typical abortion". Again, long on propaganda, rare cases, and distortions, and short on fact.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith
what you dont know is how that person came to that decision....
Don't need to know the thought process. There is no justification for taking life in utero or post birth. My point is, all of Box's explanations for abortion is by dehumanizing the human life. Two and three generations ago, they weren't indoctrinating the population with an education treating a pregnancy as an inconvenient blob of cells. If a woman became pregnant, and had to make the hard decision of having an abortion because it is her 10th child and there isn't enough food to feed another mouth - it was understood they were ending a life.
Don't need to know the thought process. There is no justification for taking life in utero or post birth. My point is, all of Box's explanations for abortion is by dehumanizing the human life. Two and three generations ago, they weren't indoctrinating the population with an education treating a pregnancy as an inconvenient blob of cells. If a woman became pregnant, and had to make the hard decision of having an abortion because it is her 10th child and there isn't enough food to feed another mouth - it was understood they were ending a life.
only from the 'poor view'.....the rich ALWAYS had access to MD's to perform such and they did......the girl was 'sent away' and not necessarily to carry the baby to term.....that was just the 'nice story' on TV.....propaganda to hide the hard truths of how we really dont know what we do......especially when it comes to sex.....which long before fetus/zygote/infant/baby etc is the issue.... and the shoulder of 99% of the responsibility IS on the woman....whether it be drugs/chemicals or foreign objects......so really as a last resort after all the other crap is placed into the womans body there's abortion.....never mind that sex is fun....I bet Mr.Heffner and Mr. Flint would agree....along with the makers of viagra/cialis etc......
...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.
I don't use the bible to argue pro life. It is a Constitutional argument. We don't let doctors cut off peoples limb and suck their brains out with a syringe and throw them in the garbage, why is it ok in the womb?
Don't need to know the thought process. There is no justification for taking life in utero or post birth. My point is, all of Box's explanations for abortion is by dehumanizing the human life. Two and three generations ago, they weren't indoctrinating the population with an education treating a pregnancy as an inconvenient blob of cells. If a woman became pregnant, and had to make the hard decision of having an abortion because it is her 10th child and there isn't enough food to feed another mouth - it was understood they were ending a life.
"Box's explanations for abortion is by dehumanizing the human life. "??? Dehumanizing??? I gave the fetus a name... that's HUMANIZING!
Once again. Abortions were ALWAYS available to the rich and powerful of this country. All Roe VS Wade did was to stop making criminals out of women not in the "rich & powerful" class.
Cicero isn't really trying to stop abortions... his REAL MOTIVE is to stop women from having sex. He is trying to legislate his moral views on those least able to defend themselves. Making criminals out of ordinary women and forcing them to bleed to death at the hands of an unqualified butcher.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith
Those weren't directed at pregnant women, but rather American society. I should have added sacrifice to that list.
BINGO!!! you cant make someone have a baby if they are not willing to sacrifice all by themselves...they must be willing to do it on their own and if help arrives then so be it, how great that would be.......because in the end if that person views the baby as a consequence just like the abortion then the baby is born and is treated as such----a consequence or a cross to bear......that makes for bad upbringings.....
...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.
Nobody in Tom's sandbox (Gloversville) will play with him anymore except his faithful lapdog, so he comes here to stir arguments and get his "fix". Apparently he's found enough people here to keep him occupy him (engaging him).
only from the 'poor view'.....the rich ALWAYS had access to MD's to perform such and they did......the girl was 'sent away' and not necessarily to carry the baby to term...
Regardless, poor or rich, they acknowledged the fact, they were terminating a human life. Not removing an unsightly tumor like they are taught today.
I don't use the bible to argue pro life. It is a Constitutional argument. We don't let doctors cut off peoples limb and suck their brains out with a syringe and throw them in the garbage, why is it ok in the womb?
but the 'right' claims that the founders founded the constitution under the bible beliefs they touted....I think maybe to a certain degree but more to the truth is it was founded under the semi-cast system in effect of the time.....'the woman's place'.....
hey, I'm all for men's version birth control....instead we get viagra/cialis....interesting dont you think?
the thing growing in the womb has no rights...the person in whom it stays shoulders all the choices and rights given it without the government..........remember medicine was in the darkages at the signing of the constitution and the procreation thing was out of religion and the 'places' of wo/men......
G-entlemen O-nly L-adies F-orbidden
...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......
The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.