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N.Y. has its own problems with illegal aliens’ crimes
Re Aug. 21 article, “Trooper dragged by pickup truck, seriously injured”: Last Saturday a New York state trooper was injured and could have been possibly killed by an illegal immigrant. Abel Jimenez is the individual that state police are searching for. He was in this country and in our state illegally. He is not a U.S. citizen and has been voluntarily returned to Mexico once before. Where and what are our elected offi cials doing to help with this illegal immigration in New York state? We always seem to see them at events, smiling for the TV cameras, telling us what good things they are doing for us. Where are they now? Recently a young women was abducted and almost killed in Saratoga [April 13 Gazette]. The person responsible was yet another illegal in New York state. Perhaps state officials need to take a long, hard look at Arizona’s issues — maybe joining them in unity to force the federal government to take action to protect American citizens, like they pledged to do. In the meantime, police have told the citizens of Cambridge to lock their doors. Don’t you feel safer now?