Going about our supermarket shopping we sometimes have to tolerate annoyances, but one thing we don’t have to put up with is deceptive packaging. Several years ago, the major ice cream manufacturers reduced their package size from a half gallon (two quarts) to 1 3 /4 quarts, but you may not have noticed; they hope you wouldn’t. A couple of years ago, they did it again and now the package is down to 1 1 /2 quarts. Some of these packages have false bottoms, one of the oldest tricks in the book. I can’t wait to see what’s next. The orange juice producers are now doing the same thing; that carton you thought was 64 fluid ounces only contains 59 [ounces]. You can still get full half gallons of ice cream and orange juice. Just look at the labels and don’t buy from the companies that are trying to cheat you.