Schumer: Put alcohol sensors in steering wheels BY CAITLIN TREMBLAY Gazette Reporter
Steering wheels may soon become the number one watchdog in DWI prevention. U.S. Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-NY, on Wednesday outlined his proposed ROADS SAFE Act, which he hopes to put on the Transportation Appropriations Bill. Schumer said it would prevent drunken driving through the perfection of new technology that would place sensors in car steering wheels to detect a driver’s blood alcohol content and disable the ignition if the driver is over the legal limit. ROADS SAFE (Research of Alcohol Detection Systems for Stopping Alcohol-related Fatalities) would authorize $12 million a year for fi ve years to perfect this technology, which Schumer said is already “near perfect.” “We all know the tragic consequences of drunk driving. So many are killed through no fault of their own.” Schumer said at a briefi ng at the Albany County Correctional Facility. “This new technology would allow us to prevent drunk driving rather than just prosecute it after the fact.” Schumer said that the money to fund this legislation would come from that already put aside by the federal government for road safety. ...................>>>>..................>>>>...............