Carl Strock (Strock is columnist in Daily/Schenectady Gazette) is off on another hobby horse, this time "drill baby drill". Carl is condescending in his presentation, it is Carl's condensation that draws people to his column. In the absence of love we fill the void with pain. In the absence of journalism we fill our minds with Strock's columns. I believe in a free & open press so let Strock pontificate.
"Drill baby drill" is no substitute for a sound energy policy, nor is Goreaphobia. Nigeria Africa is a nation rich in natural resources. Nigeria is a sea of pain, HIV, brutality, general's with fancy uniforms, what occurs when colonialism ends without a game plan. America will become the Nigeria of the America's if we are not wise. I guess we are doomed, see any wisdom in DC? If we do not 'exploit' natural resources within our sphere of influence, others will & they will not be nice about it. What the collapse of colonialism was to Nigeria, America's economic decline is to US.
We the white guys from Europe took the America's from the locals. Other white Europeans, Arabs & Asians will take what we have created if we let them. Native Americans (Indians) constantly bellyache about what was done to them, they will have to fall in behind US if we are not careful.
Sound energy policy is the use & control of oil (coal also) by America while alternative energy sources are developed. OIL = nuclear, solar, water & wind. Too many people in places like Washington, Albany, Wall Street, London, China are fishing behind the net at our expense. The common man always pays in the end. Strock is a clown, Gore is something more dangerous, Bush & Obama are members of the same club & 'we the people' are innocent. An innocence born of easy lives in a nation where we are more concerned with sports & IPOD's than our future. We deserve to be insulted by the likes of Strock.