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New Proposal For Burdeck & N.Thompson St.
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February 23, 2010, 10:14am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 487

How come Mertz and McGarry couldn't win there party primary's?  Lousy candidates, campaigns and bad political judgement.  You just don't get it.  YOU LOST!!!!!!!!!

Hey Peeper --Watch what you say about McGarry; the new admin thinks highly of him.  They put him on the Rotterdam IDA.   Your party wouldn't like your comments!

Private Message Reply: 15 - 53
February 23, 2010, 10:18am Report to Moderator
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The good people of Rotterdam voted for change.  End of Tomassone, Mertz, Signore, Suhrada and the Republican Party!  The voters put back into office long time elected officials ie Vellano, Dagostino, Esposito.  In spite of your flashback to the 70's, 80's and 90's the same Republican retreads form days of yore LOST.  Mertz gets dumped and loses the primary, Fiorillo has four lines and gets beat by a 1,000.  Are you saying that the electorate was stupid up until November 2, 2009 and got smart when?  Are you really that stupid or are you just sooo wrapped up in your own ego that you live in a fantasy world called Mertzville??  I for one think your fried but people say the same about me.  Soups on! YUM!
E-mail Reply: 16 - 53
February 23, 2010, 10:19am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from clubhouse

Hey Peeper --Watch what you say about McGarry; the new admin thinks highly of him.  They put him on the Rotterdam IDA.   Your party wouldn't like your comments!

They are regretting that decision trust me.  
E-mail Reply: 17 - 53
February 23, 2010, 10:19am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from bumblethru
The only difference....people are smarter and better informed.....we have this forum for information.

And the thing that pisses them off the most is the fact that this forum is NOT town govt controlled - they have absolutely ZERO "authority" to moderate or define the content, much to the "surprise" of Deb Riitano, Diane Marco, FDG and others.

E-mail Reply: 18 - 53
February 23, 2010, 10:29am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 487

They are regretting that decision trust me.  

Perhaps they are. But that would only mean that is because he changed his party affiliation. Perhaps the dems thought he would switch to the dem party like AS and HV did. They know he is extremely well liked and very electable! Or perhaps it's just that he makes too much sense when it comes to spending the taxpayer's money!!

And if I heard correctly....it was FDG himself that approached BM to sit on the IDA board. Ya know....the SUPERVISOR.....the LEADER of the town boards administration.

Now the trick will be if BM will compromise his conservative ideology to 'go along to get along'. As a resident and taxpayer, that is my only concern!

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 19 - 53
Brad Littlefield
February 23, 2010, 10:50am Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Quoted from Peeper:
They are regretting that decision trust me.

It is apparent that those who reportedly regret the decision to appoint McGarry to the IDA have come to understand
what principled conservatism entails.  Brian is a fiscal and social conservative, unlike several who sit on the Rotterdam Town
Board and who were elected as enrolled, but not ideological, conservatives.

And, Bumble, though FDG reportedly likes and respects McGarry, don't be fooled into believing that DelGallo has any
power or a role in the decision making of town government.  FDG was used by the Democrats for his money.  Now that
the Democrats are elected, they have no use for Frank.  He will be shown the exit soon, unless he takes charge and
begins to act as the Supervisor of the town.
E-mail Reply: 20 - 53
February 23, 2010, 2:55pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from bumblethru
If this town board was smart .... they would continue the push to put sewers (infrastructure) in this town BEFORE any new construction or development were to be approved. We'll see just how 'smart' they are. ;

The 'Town' and it's old time croonies are too old and cheap....they are bailing out.....and leaving the sh*t behind....literally.....go back to the familia you gumbas.....

why not just make them 248 Dollar Stores so your off spring can be proud......

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 21 - 53
February 24, 2010, 12:23am Report to Moderator
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FEBRUARY 24, 2010

6:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

Presentation from the Schalmont Syracuse University Project Advance (S.U.P.A) Class


Res. No.

98.10 Re-appoint Marjorie Schmid of Rotterdam, New York as a member of the Town of
Rotterdam Conservation Advisory Council for a two (2) year term, commencing
February 24, 2010, term to expire December 31, 2011.

99.10 Amend Resolution Number 72.10 to reflect the appointment of Dan Gaudio to the
vacant position on the Rotterdam Conservation Advisory Council that was held by Dan
Dedrick, term to expire December 31, 2010.


A. To amend the current Comprehensive Plan as well as the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map
of the Town of Rotterdam, for a Change of Zone Request on approximately 15 acres from the
Golub Corporation on multiple parcels located south of Duanesburg Road from Retail Business
(B-1) and Agricultural (A-1) to Light Industrial (I-l).
Public Hearing was called for at the Town Board meeting of February 10, 2010.

B. To amend the current Comprehensive Plan as well as the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map
of the Town of Rotterdam for a Change of Zone request from Aladdin Properties and Marie
Iovinella owners of (2) parcels of property comprising 3.4 acres. The site is located at 330
Becker Drive, Rotterdam, New York 12306 and is known as Tax Parcel No. 57.00-3-24 and No.
57.00-3-25. The applicants are requesting a Change of Zone from Agricultural (A-1) to General
Business (B-2).
Public Hearing was called for at the Town Board meeting of February 10, 2010.


Res. No

100.10 Call for public hearing to be held on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the
John F. Kirvin Government Center, Town Hall, 1100 Sunrise Boulevard, Rotterdam,
New York 12306 for the following purpose:
To amend the current Comprehensive Plan as well as the Zoning Ordinance, and
Zoning Map of the Town of Rotterdam for a Change of Zone from Sync Realty
Group, Inc., owners of property located at 325 Duanesburg Road, Rotterdam,
New York 12306 known as tax parcel No. 58.-1-3. Applicant is requesting a
change of zone from Light Industrial (I-1) to Multiple Family Residential (R-3).
This matter is hereby referred to the Planning Commission for a recommendation to
be made prior to the March 24th Public Hearing.
This matter is hereby referred to the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee for a
recommendation to be made prior to the March 24th Public Hearing.

101.10 Declare the Town of Rotterdam as “lead agency” and authorize the Town Planner to
prepare, file, publish and distribute all documents necessary to comply with 6 NYCRR
Part 617 & State Environmental Quality Review relative to the above-referenced
application of Sync Realty Group, Inc.

102.10 Refer to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation thereon a proposed
Local Law of the Year 2010 for the following purpose:
To amend Chapter 270 of the Code of the Town of Rotterdam entitled
ZONING for a Change of Zone application proposed by Timothy Larned
and Maria Esposito on approximately ±71.8 acres from Heavy Industrial
(I-2) and General Business (B-2) to Planned Residential Development
(PRD) and General Business (B-2). The applicants propose the
construction of 248 multi-family garden apartments, approximately
20,000 square feet of commercial space, relocation of existing baseball
fields, and the creation of a permanent recreation/conservation area.

103.10 The Town Board of the Town of Rotterdam endorses and supports participation as
partner in the Schenectady County application for funding of the Schenectady
Countywide Public Works Shared Services Plan to the New York State Department of
State Local Government Efficiency Grant Program.

104.10 A resolution authorizing Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $578.73, Change Order
No. 2 in the amount of $24,625.64, Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $4206.40 for
the Rotterdam Junction Water Tank Improvement Project in the Town of Rotterdam.

Res. No

105.10 Authorize Comptroller to declare certain office equipment obsolete.

106.10 Budget transfers by the Town Comptroller to various accounts.



(Per Resolution No. 444.06) General Rules of Procedure for Public Hearings and Privilege
of the Floor:
Each speaker will state his/her name and address for the record. To ensure each attendee has an
equal and reasonable opportunity to address their concerns, he/she is afforded a maximum of four
(4) minutes to address the Town Board.


E-mail Reply: 22 - 53
February 24, 2010, 12:23am Report to Moderator
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E-mail Reply: 23 - 53
February 24, 2010, 4:54am Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Apartment project taken off board agenda

BY JUSTIN MASON Gazette Reporter

    Developers have temporarily pulled a plan to build 248 apartment units from the agenda for today’s Town Board meeting.
    Andrew Brick, an attorney representing property owners Tim Larned and Maria Esposito, said the item was pulled at the last minute so they could make a few changes. As a result, they requested that board members pull the item until further notice.
    “We did not want to present an incomplete project,” Brick said Tuesday.
    The project would create a cluster of apartment buildings and a 20,000-square-foot retail building on a triangle-shaped swath of land along North Thompson Road. The 78 acres were once owned by the Rotterdam Republican Club and were the site proposed for a hotly contested project to build a Wal-Mart supercenter. Developers are seeking a zone change for the new proposal.
    The new proposal would move the four existing baseball diamonds used by the Rotterdam Little League to nine acres situated behind the town’s wastewater treatment plant with an access street built off West Campbell Road. The new fields would adjoin a man-made wetland area on a plot sometimes referred to as Murken’s pit.
    Brick said the fields would be constructed under the assumption that the Little League would be able to use them in perpetuity. Once completed, he said, the fi elds would be deeded over to the town or county, thereby protecting them from any future development.
    “They’re going to be in municipal hands,” Brick said. ............>>>>.................>>>>..................http://www.dailygazette.net/De.....r00801&AppName=1
Private Message Reply: 24 - 53
February 24, 2010, 5:15am Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Andrew Brick, an attorney representing property owners Tim Larned and Maria Esposito

So, he represents property owners AND has represented the town board???

Conflict of interest anyone?
E-mail Reply: 25 - 53
February 24, 2010, 6:26am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from 147

So, he represents property owners AND has represented the town board???

Conflict of interest anyone?

As if that happened by chance.  

Can the residents get a quote from our supervisor FDG in the newspaper that has to do with town issues.  Seems like Godlewski and Brick do all the talking when it comes to town issues.  And FDG gets these fluff pieces in the paper on how he was "locked up" for charity.  Do the Dems think the residents are buying this charade?

The emperor has no clothes.

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Private Message Reply: 26 - 53
February 25, 2010, 6:49pm Report to Moderator
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I am outraged that Andy Brick represented the town as an attorney years ago and now he has the gaul to represent someone in the town.
I mean, shouldn't he stop working and live off of all of the money he made from his pay as town attorney.  What attorney in the town of Rotterdam would
do such a thing?

If the new administration is able to pull off what it appears they are doing by providing little league fields to 400+ kids in town months after
the previous administration attempted to give their fields to another organization without ever contacting anyone from Rotterdam Little League- then
I say the new Town Board with the leadership of Supervisor DelGallo deserve a lot of credit.  What did the past administration do for the youth of our community?
Go to Clifton Park, Colonie, Burnt Hills, Guilderland, Scotia, Glenville, Niskayuna and look at the sports facilities/parks they have for the community.  It is
a shame Rotterdam has the worst parks in the capital district.  Even the soccer fields are not on town property.  The best the past Town Board could come up with is a
plan to put fields on swampland across from Rott Sq Mall.  Take a look at that property now.  You think fields could go there?

Thank you to Franny and whoever else is responsible for bringing fields to Rotterdam Little League!
E-mail Reply: 27 - 53
February 25, 2010, 8:38pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 215
I am outraged that Andy Brick represented the town as an attorney years ago and now he has the gaul to represent someone in the town.
I mean, shouldn't he stop working and live off of all of the money he made from his pay as town attorney.  What attorney in the town of Rotterdam would
do such a thing?

If the new administration is able to pull off what it appears they are doing by providing little league fields to 400+ kids in town months after
the previous administration attempted to give their fields to another organization without ever contacting anyone from Rotterdam Little League- then
I say the new Town Board with the leadership of Supervisor DelGallo deserve a lot of credit.  What did the past administration do for the youth of our community?
Go to Clifton Park, Colonie, Burnt Hills, Guilderland, Scotia, Glenville, Niskayuna and look at the sports facilities/parks they have for the community.  It is
a shame Rotterdam has the worst parks in the capital district.
  Even the soccer fields are not on town property.  The best the past Town Board could come up with is a
plan to put fields on swampland across from Rott Sq Mall.  Take a look at that property now.  You think fields could go there?

Thank you to Franny and whoever else is responsible for bringing fields to Rotterdam Little League!

I'll tell you exactly why.....the 'big fish' in Rotterdam are so damn cheap they 'hide' their money in barrels in their basements, buy 'friends' to eval their properties
to their liking, all for a pasta dinner a beer and wine and a quickie vote......they like their names posted and shiny for all the public to see, and to have their names
dropped around town....well, good for them....now they are shocked when they realize that this ain't Mayberry anymore and bread isn't $.10 loaf.....and they may
be at their winter season of their life but DAMN IT....get over your wet paperbag vision and get out--or move forward.....TIME HAS MARCHED ON......

IT HAS NOTHING to do with past admins or the current one......these folks dont come out of vacuum......it's nothing new....it's as petty as the day is long--
Hatfield's and McCoys.....and all their MFH and Dollar Stores.......FDG upset about his taxes? and pissed off about his valuation?---WTH,,,,he's a businessman and I'm
certain he was voted in because he knows that you dont want to own 'sh*t'?---or maybe now he thinks he over invested in Rotterdam????

maybe we could build 'an EGG' here in Rotterdam.....we could call it public sewers and infrastructure.......

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 28 - 53
February 25, 2010, 8:52pm Report to Moderator

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Yes, amazing how Mr. DelGallo was able to work out a quid pro quo with his old buddy Mr. Larned to move the baseball fields "for the kids".  Mr. Larned would have done the same thing with the prior administration as long as they would let him build a 100,000+ square foot Walmart Supercenter on his property at the intersection of Burdeck and Princetown.  This is quite transparent.  The shameless use of the Rotterdam children as leverage, so Mr. Larned(who also happens to be the LARGEST single donor to the FDG campaign) can develop a piece of property regardless of the impact on the town.  

I can't wait to inhale the stench of the sewage treatment plant while watching my kid play little league at the new proposed location.  Brilliant!  

This is what happens when you let developers act as Town Planners.  They'll sell the residents sh*t on a shingle if it means an extra buck.

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Private Message Reply: 29 - 53
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