Liberals need victims. Without victims, Democrats have nothing. I'm guessing that in 50 years when all the victim groups of today become "empowered", the last segment of society that will get victim status will be the heterosexual-white-Christian-male. How's that for bigoted?
Without the sombody's of America, minorities would never be able to succeed on their own./tic The welfare state acts as the emancipator, when it's actually the slave masters. As the ghetto's continue to grow, as the slave masters decide how much in food stamps, HEAP, Section 8, is doled out, and the social worker tells the downtrodden what the threshold is in order to qualify to collect the "fair share". Workers are willingly cutting their work hours to reduce their income so they can receive their 40 acres and a mule from the masters at the DSS building.
At 40 hours per week and 15 dollars per hour, you no longer qualify for the state benefits that-you've been a custom to collecting for generations. The Fidelis insurance gets canceled because now you can pay for the health insurance the company offers. Food stamp benefits are reduced. You no longer qualify for section 8. So what is the logical solution of the generational welfare recipient? Reduce your hours and overall income and jump back onto the tit of mother government. If you don't think this happens, you're in a coma.
Democrats do not truly believe in equality because if they ever conceded to equality they would have no constituents left.